Author/Editor     Klančnik-Gruden, Maja
Title     Vidiki dualizma znotraj zdravstvene službe
Translated title     Aspects of dualism in the health care service
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 34, št. 1-2
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 17-25
Language     slo
Abstract     The relations inside health care system are marked by different oppositions. The basic dualism, the opposition between man and woman, respectively doctor and nurse derives from the society as a whole. The article proceeds from anthropological description of primary dualistic organizations and projects the basic idea of dualism on health service. The first part of the article analyses workforce in the National Health Care Service in Great Britain and compares it with the workforce in the Public Health Care Service in the Republic of Slovenia. In conclusion the impact of dualistic aspects of health services on the quality of health care of clients is presented.
Summary     Odnosi v zdravstvenem sistemu so zaznamovani z različnimi opozicijami. Temeljni dualizem, opozicija med moškim in žensko oziroma med zdravnikom in medicinsko sestro, izhaja iz družbe kot celote. Članek temelji na antropološkem opisu primarnih dualističnih organizacij in projicira osnovno idejo dualizma na zdravstvene službe. Pri tem najprej analizira sestavo delovne sile v Nacionalni zdravstveni službi v Veliki Britaniji, nato pa še v javni zdravstveni službi v Republiki Sloveniji. V zadnjem delu povzema dualistične aspekte znotraj zdravstvenih služb in nakazuje njihov vpliv na kakovost zdravstvene oskrbe varovanca.
Descriptors     HEALTH SERVICES