Author/Editor     Rudolf, Martina; Krbavčič, Aleš
Title     Kritičen pogled na ovrednotenje medicinskih propomočkov kot končnih izdelkov na primeru sterilnih podkožnih igel za enkratno uporabo
Translated title     Critical view on the evaluation of medical devices as finished products on the example of sterile hypodermic needles for single use
Type     članek
Source     Farm Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 50, št. 1
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 27-34
Language     slo
Abstract     Majority of medical devices is on the first look uncomparable with classical medicinal products. We cannot find monographs for the evaluation of all this products in pharmacopeas. There are other international standards, but they are not defining particular parameters in the way as we are used to with pharmacopeas. On the example of sterile hypodermic needles for single use we are going to show what does compliance with the international standard mean. We are going to warn about the critical points, which are not included in these standards.
Summary     Večina medicinskih pripomočkov že na prvi pogled ni primerljiva s klasičnimi farmacevtskimi izdelki. Monografij za ovrednotenje večine teh izdelkov v farmakopejah ne najdemo. Obstajajo drugi mednarodni standardi, ki pa posameznih lastnosti ne opredeljujejo tako kot smo vajeni uporabniki farmakopej. Na primeru sterilnih podkožnih igel za enkratno uporabo bomo pokazali, kaj pravzaprav pomeni skladnost z enim od mednarodnih standardov. Opozorili bomo na kritične točke, ki v teh standardih niso zajete.
Descriptors     NEEDLES