Author/Editor     Cilenšek, Jana; Kozjek, Franc
Title     Porazdelitev učinkovin v bolnikovem organizmu
Translated title     The distribution of active substance in human body
Type     članek
Source     Farm Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 50, št. 4
Publication year     1999
Volume     str. 489-93
Language     slo
Abstract     The apparent volume of distribulion is a pharmacological parameter that tells us how an active substance is distributed in the body. It is an expression of the ratio of the quantity of an active substance in the body to its plasma concentration and helps us determine the optimal dosage regimen in an individual patient; i.e. the optimal dose administered at appropriate dose intervals. In cases of intoxication, data on distribution volumes of active substances and other compounds serve as a guide in preparing the therapeutic plan for detoxification.
Summary     Navidezni volumen porazdelitve je eden od farmakokinetičnih parametrov, ki nam pove, kako se učinkovina po telesu porazdeljuje. Podaja nam razmerje med količino učinkovine v telesu in njeno koncentracijo v plazmi. Pomaga nam, da bolniku odredimo optimalen režim doziranja: optimalen odmerek ob ustreznem časovnem intervalu doziranja. Pri različnih zastrupitvah nam poznani volumni porazdelitve učinkovin ali drugih spojin pomagajo pri pripravi načrta detoksikacije.