Author/Editor     Hoefferle-Felc, Alenka
Title     Morbus Sudeck ali komleksni regionalni bolečinski sindrom
Translated title     Morbus Sudeck or compex regional pain syndrome
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. 1
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 71-8
Language     slo
Abstract     The term "Sudeck" is usually heard in Slovene medical jargon to denote a rather frequent painful complication after surgery or injury, which was officially named the complex regional pain syndrome in 1994. There are quite a few hypotheses about its pathogenesis, and each of them contributes to the understanding of the syndrome. Recent studies have been based on the well-founded hypothesis about a metabolic disturbance, curable by restoring circulation by using the serotonin antagonist ketanserin, and metabolism using carnitine, the carrier of the acyl group of fatty acyl- CoA across the mitochondrial membrane. Diagnosis is primarily based on clinical signs and symptoms. The complication has remained a therapeutic challenge for various medical professions, including physical and rehabilitation medicine.
Summary     V slovenskem zdravniškem žargonu je navadno slišati ime Sudeck za razmeroma pogost bolečinski zaplet po operacijskem posegu ali poškodbi, ki se že od leta 1994 uradno imenuje kompleksni regionalni bolečinski sindrom. Obstaja vrsta teorij o patogenezi in vsaka predstavlja delček v mozaiku razumevanja tega sindroma. V novejšem času je izhodišče raziskav utemeljena domneva o presnovni motnji, ki bi jo bilo mogoče obvladati s serotoninskim antagonistom ketanserinom in karnitinom, prenašalcem acetilne skupine iz acetil-CoA preko mitohondrijske membrane. Osnova za postavitev diagnoze so klinični znaki. Zaplet je še vedno terapevtski izziv za različne medicinske stroke, tudi za področje fizikalne in rehabilitacijske medicine.