Author/Editor     Zupančič, Radovan
Title     Analiza dela suhega oddelka celjskih zaporov
Translated title     Analysing activities of the drug free unit in the Celje prison
Type     članek
Source     Odvisnosti
Vol. and No.     Letnik 1, št. 1-2
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 63-4
Language     slo
Abstract     Since 1990, when the great wave of illegal drugs began to break over the entire country, the incidence of substance dependent prisoners has continually increased. At the present time we estimate that two-thirds of the inmates in the Celje Prison are addicted. Throughout these years it has become clear that the prisoners who are motivated to change their way of life have not been able to conquer their dependency battle while living with unmotivated addicts. Thus, on November 3, 1998, a drug free unit was established which is run with a high threshold orientation. Nine prisoners began the sixth-month program at that time, and the very next day three of them abandoned it. By the end of the year only two of the original participants remained, and they have continued to the present. Nevertheless we continued to try to fill the unit to capacity, and it once again consists of nine members with two on a waiting list. We have ascertained that the success of the work is closely connected to the objective conditions of the institution: over-crowding, the mixing of the motivated with the non-motivated, and the lack of therapist influence in choosing program participants. In the author's experience these are conditions which affect the implementation of a high threshold program. Our future focus will be to enhance a differentiation among penal institutions so that each institution may offer that approach for which it is qualified, and not all currently existing possibilities.
Summary     Od leta 1990 v slovenskih zaporih opažajo, da se je, vzporedno z valom prepovedanih drog, ki je zajel celo državo, stalno povečevalo število odvisnih zaprtih oseb. Tako lahko danes trdijo, da je v zaporu Celje okoli dve tretjini odvisnih (od dovoljenih in prepovedanih drog). V letih je postalo jasno, da peščica tistih, ki bi res želeli spremeniti način življenja, tega ob neodgovornih, nemočnih odvisnih, ki so se odločili z boleznijo živeti, ne zmore. Zato so 3. 11. 1998 oblikovali suho skupino in z njo skušali preiti na visokopražni program. Vanjo so vključili devet članov. Trije so strukturirano delo takoj odklonili (ob tem, ko so zaužili prepovedane snovi), štirje pa so bili premeščeni v zadnji dekadi pred novim letom. Sproti so nameščali nove, ki so zdržali predhodno dvomesečno motivacijsko obdobje in ti so bili dosti bolj uspešni. Danes je v skupini spet devet članov, v pripravljalni fazi pa dva. Ugotovili so, da je kakovost dela tesno povezana z objektivnimi danostmi zavoda: prenapolnjenostjo, mešanjem motiviranih in nemotiviranih ter z nemočjo vplivanja terapevtov na sprejem novodošlih. To so, vsaj po avtorjevih izkušnjah, osnovni pogoji, ki omogočajo izvajanje visokopražnega programa. Zato se bodo v prihodnje trudili poglabljati diferenciacijo vsebin in nalog, ki naj bi jih izvajali po slovenskih zaporih v smislu: vsak naj počne tisto, za kar se usposobi, in NE VSI VSE!
Descriptors     PRISONS