Author/Editor     Krištofelc, Frenk
Title     Vrednotenje meritev pretoka v popkovnični arteriji pri nosečnicah s hipertenzijo
Translated title     Evaluation of umbilical blood flow measurement in pregnancy hypertension
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 69, št. 5
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 367-71
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. There are no uniform professional guidelines regarding the use of umbilical artery velocimetry. The aim of this study was to find methods used for the evaluation of fetal condition, which correlate significantly with the evaluation of the newborns condition after birth, evaluated with Apgar score. Methods. In 663 women with threatened pregnancy due to hypertension the following procedures were undertaken: calculation of the resistance index (RI) in the umbilical cord artery, cardiotocographic nonstress testing (NST), evaluation of amniotic fluid volume, fetal tone, fetal movement, fetal breathing movement and grading of placental maturity. The procedures were undertaken in the period 0-7 days before delivery, 8-14 days before delivery and in the period more than 14 days before delivery. To evaluate correlation between the RI and Apgar score after birth, the logistic regression "step-by-step forward" analysis was used. Results. A predictive model was formed for different groups of pregnancy hypertension. The results obtained by umbilical artery velocimetry did not fit into any of the predictive models for the assessment of neonatal condition (Apgar score) after birth. Conclusion. The results of umbilical artery velocimetry do not correlate significantly with Apgar score of the newborn at birth.
Summary     Izhodišča. Za uporabo metode meritev pretoka v popkovnični arteriji ploda pri nosečnicah s hipertenzijo ni enotnih doktrinarnih stališč. Želeli smo ugotoviti, katere od preiskovalnih metod so pomembno povezane z oceno stanja novorojenčka po Apgarjevi. Metode dela. Pri 663 nosečnicah s hipertenzijo smo opravili naslednje preiskave: meritve rezistenčnega indeksa (RI) v popkovnični arteriji, neobremenitveno kardiotokografijo (NST), ocenili smo količino plodovnice in tonus ploda, gibe ploda, dihalne gibe ploda in stopnjo zrelosti posteljice. Preiskave smo opravljali v obdobju 0-7 dni pred porodom, 8-14 dni pred porodom in v obdobju večkot 14 dni pred porodom. Z logistično regresijo po metodi "korak za korakom naprej" smo ocenili pomembnost RI za oceno stanja novorojenčka po Apgarjevi. Rezultati. Zgradili smo napovedne modele za skupine nosečnic s hipertenzijo. Rezultati meritev pretoka niso izbrani v nobenega od izdelanih napovednih modelov ocene stanja novorojenčka po Apgarjevi. Zaključek. Rezultati meritev pretoka niso pomembno povezani z oceno stanja novorojenčka po Apgarjevi.
Descriptors     HYPERTENSION