Author/Editor     Jamar, Breda; Šurlan, Katarina
Title     Defecography: a report on 35 cases
Translated title     Defekografija: poročilo o 35 primerih
Type     članek
Source     Radiol Oncol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 34, št. 2
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 85-91
Language     eng
Abstract     Purpose. To evaluate indications in the patients referred for defecography to our Institute between October 1996 and December 1999. Patients and methods. In this period, 35 patients (31 women and 4 men, their mean age being 56,5 and 34,5 years, respectively) with defecation disorders disorders of 1 months to 17 years of duration were referred to us for defecography - 26 from proctology specialists and 9 from internal medical out-patient departments. After the rectum was filled with thick barium paste, spot shots from lateral position were made in different phases of defecation, with the patient sitting on a specially designed commode. Results. Rectocele was found in 21 cases, in 9 cases in association with rectorectal intussusception, in 3 with rectoanal intussusception and in 2 with herniation of rectal wall into ishiorectal fossa. Prolapse was found in 2 cases, and 4 rectorectal intussusception, 1 rectoanal intussusception and 3 fistulas were diagnosed. The findings were normal in only one case, while in 3 cases defectography showed functional abnormalities. In female patients, symptoms started after gynaecological operation in 11 cases and 6 cases after delivery. Eight women had to press perineum with their hand to faciliate defecation. Conclusions. Defecography proved useful in clarifying the pathology underlying patient's difficulties.
Summary     Namen raziskave je bil oceniti indikacije pri bolnikih, poslanih na preiskavo na Institut za radiologijo Kliničnega centra v Ljubljani od oktobra 1996 do decembra 1999. Bolniki in metode. Na Inštitut je bilo v navedenem času napotenih na defetologijo 35 bolnikov (31 žensk in 4 moški, s povprečno starostjo 56,5 oz. 34,5 let) s težavami pri defekaciji, ki so trajale od 1 meseca do 17 let. Z raznimi napotnimi diagnozami je iz proktoloških ambulant prišlo 26 bolnikov, 9 pa iz gastroenteroloških ambulant. Defekografija je funkcijska rentgenska preiskava: bolniku napolnimo rektum z gosto barijevo pasto, ga posedemo na posebno oblikovano komodo in v stranski projekciji delamo ciljane posnetke rektoanalnega predela v raznih fazah defekacije. Rezultati. Rektokelo smo našli v 21 primerih, 9 v povezavi z rektorektalno intususcepscijo, 3 z rekroanalno intususcepcijo in 2 s herniacijo v ishiorektalno foso. Našli smo še prolaps (2 primera), rektorektalno intususcepcijo (4), rektoanalno intususcepcijo (1) in 3 fistule. Funkcionalne motnje smo dokazali v 3 primerih in le en izvid preiskave je bil ocenjen kot normalen. Pri 11 ženskah so se motnje defekacije začele po ginekološki operaciji, pri 6 po porodu. Osem žensk si je za začetek ali olajšanje defekacije moralo pomagati z roko. Zaključki. Defekografija je preprosta rentgenska preiskava, s katero je v večini primerov mogoče pokazati patološkoanatomski ali funkcijski vzrok težav z defekacijo.
Descriptors     DEFECATION