Author/Editor     Višnar-Perovič, Alenka; Aničin, Aleksandar; Zupančič, Živa; Černelč, Bojana; Šmid, Lojze; Vidmar, Dubravka B; Gorenc, Milan
Title     Ultrasound-guided aspiration biopsy of subclinical regional metastases of head and neck carcinoma
Translated title     Ultrazvočno vodena aspiracijska biopsija prikritih področnih zasevkov karcinoma glave in vratu
Type     članek
Source     Radiol Oncol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 34, št. 2
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 115-22
Language     eng
Abstract     Background. Studies concerned with the estimation of ultrasound (US) combined with ultrasound-guided aspiration biopsy (USGAB) in the detection of subclinical regional metastases from the planocellular carcinoma of head and neck are promising, but in few cases. Recently, the authors have pointed out the role of lymph node size parameters in order to decide about the use of USGAB. The aim of this study was to test the reliability of US-USGAB for the detection of subclinical regional metastases in patients with planocellular head and neck carcinomas, including the evaluation of lymph node size parameters. Patients and methods. 121 neck sides with no palpable metastases were examined by US in 77 patients with planocellular carcinomas of head and neck. Depending on the results obtained, USGAB was performed on 64 neck sides. After surgery, the results of US-USGAB were compared with histological findings of the dissected lymph nodes. Results. The study showed 77% overall sensitivity of US and USGAB, and 100% specificity, while the versal / longiyudinal diameter was the best predictor of metastatic lymph node involvement. Conclusion. The results of this study established that USGAB is an appropriate method for detection the subclinical regional metastases on neck, and should be included into routine diagnostic work up in the evaluation of the extent of head and necks carcinomas.
Summary     Izhodišča. Študije v katerih obravnavajo kombinirano rabo ultrazvoka (UZ) in ultrazvočno vodene aspiracijske biopsije (UZVAB) pri ugotavljanju prikritih področnih zasevkov ploščatoceličnega karcinoma glave in vratu so obetavne, vendar maloštevilne. V novejšem času, pri odločanju za UZVAB, avtorji povdarjajo pomen parametrov velikosti bezgavk. Želeli smo oceniti zanesljivost UZ-UZVAB in parametrov velikosti bezgavk pri ugotavljanju prikritih področnih zasevkov ploščatoceličnega karcinoma glave in vratu. Bolniki in metode. Pri 77 bolnikih s ploščatoceličnimi karcinomi glave in vratu smo z UZ pregledali 121 strani vratu brez tipnih zasevkov. Glede na rezultate smo na 64 straneh vratu opravili še UZVAB. Pooperativno smo rezultate UZ-UZVAB primerjali s histološkim pregledom pri disekciji odstranjenih bezgavk. Rezultati. V raziskavi smo dosegli 77% občutljivost in 100% specifičnost za UZ in UZVAB skupaj, medtem ko je bila natančnost 95%. Negativna napovedna veljavnost je bila 94%, pozitivna pa 100%. Najboljši parameter pri napovedovanju prisotnosti zasevkov v bezgavkah je bilo razmerje prečni / vzdolžni premer. Zaključki. Menimo, da je metoda UZVAB primerna za diagnostiko prikritih področnih zasevkov na vratu in jo kaže uvrstiti med rutinske preiskave za oceno razsežnosti karcinomov glave in vratu.