Author/Editor     Brenčič, Erika; Stanovnik, Marjeta; Glušič, Mojca
Title     Renal cell carcinoma in the ectopic kidney prospects of diagnosting and treatment of the carcinoma of the kidney: case report
Translated title     Adenokarcinom v ektopični ledvici - možnosti diagnoze in zdravljenja tumorja ledvice: prikaz primera
Type     članek
Source     Radiol Oncol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 34, št. 2
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 191-8
Language     eng
Abstract     Background. An extensive use of ultrasonography and computed tomography have enormously contributed to the early detection of adenocarcinoma of kidney taking into consideration that they have been so far often detected by chance. In addition to provide us with an image of a tumor and contributing to define more easily the nature of tumor, MRI is most helpful in detecting the infiltrations of tumor into its surroundings and changes in the veins. Case report. This case report presents the patient with adenocarcinoma of the ectopic kidney. The ultrasonography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging detected and abundant non-homogenous tumor mass in pelvis minor. Additionally to the suspected ectopia of one of the kidney, it was also suspected that there was another pathological process of different etiology too. This suspicion was based on the detection of a different tumor mass in between the intestinal loops. Two months after the nonradical excision of the adenocarcinoma from the ectopic kidney, the following changes were observed: progress of the residual tumor in the pelvis minor and the tumor in between the intestinal loops (that was not removed during the first operation). The patient was given immunochemotherapy and local radiotherapy. Conclusions. According to the available data in literature, the localization of tumor in ectopic kidney is extremely rare.
Summary     Izhodišča. Široka uporaba ultrazvoka in računalniške tomografije je prispevala k zgodnjemu odkrivanju tumorjev ledvic, saj vemo, da so velikokrat odkriti slučajno. Magnetna resonanca nam omogoča ne samo prikaz tumorja, odločitev glede narave tumorske mase, temveč nam poda odgovor na vprašanje infiltracije v okolico ter prisotnosti sprememb v žilah. Prikaz primera. Prikazan je primer bolnika z adenokarcinom v ektopični ledvici. Ultrazvočna, računalniška tomografska preiskava in magnetna resonanca so pokazale veliko, nehomogeno tumorsko maso v mali medenici. Kljub sumu o ektopiji ene izmed ledvic se je postavila možnost prisotnosti patološkega procesa druge etiologije, zlasti, ker je bila prisotna tudi druga tumorska masa med črevesnimi vijugami. Po neradikalni operaciji adenokarcinoma v ektopični ledvici je po dveh mesecih prišlo do povečanja ostanka tumorja v mali medenici in tumorja med vijugami črevesja, ki ni bil odstranjen pri operaciji. Bolnik je bil zdravljen s kemoimunoterapijo in lokalnim obsevanjem. Zaključek. Po podatkih v literaturi, ki nam je dostopna, je lokalizacija tumorja v ektopični ledvici zelo redka. Postavlja se vprašanje, ali so bile izčrpane vse diagnostične možnosti in zdravljenje tumorja v ektopični ledvici, kar je bil tudi namen prikaza tega zanimivega primera.
Descriptors     KIDNEY NEOPLASMS