Author/Editor     Pegan, Vladislav; Gvardijančič, Diana
Title     Laparoskopska holecistektomija pri otrocih
Translated title     Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in children
Type     članek
Source     Endoskopska revija
Vol. and No.     Letnik 5, št. 11
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 27-34
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy has been recognized as the method of choice in the treatment of adult patients with symptomatic gallstones. Although the disease is less frequent in children, we expect that thanks to its many advantages this minimally invasive technique will expand in paediatric surgery. Patients and methods. Five children with symptomatic gallstone disease have been operated on at this Department to date. The youngest patient was a boy aged 9 years and 8 months at the time of surgery. All the children were operated on by well-trained surgeons experienced in the treatment of adult patients. Results. There were no intraoperative or postoperative complications. In one patient, endoscopic removal of a calculus from the bile duct was accomplished prior to laparoscopic surgery. In three cases, severe inflammatory changes of the gallbladder and adjacent structures were found at operation, resulting in slight prolongation of the operating time. Conclusion. Laparoscopic removal of the gallbladder in children has proved a safe technique with a number of advantages, yet only in the hands of a well-trained and skilled surgeon experienced in minimally invasive surgery.
Summary     Izhodišča. Laparoskopska holecistektomija je postala metoda izbire pri odraslih bolnikih z žolčnimi kamni. Čeprav je simptomatska holelitijaza pri otrocih manj pogosta bolezen, pričakujemo tudi v otroški dobi prednosti minimalno invazivne metode. Bolniki in metode. Do sedaj smo z laparoskopsko tehniko operirali pet otrok s simptomatsko holelitijazo. Najmlajši je bil deček, ki je v času operacije imel 9 let in osem mesecev. Vseh pet otrok so operirali izkušeni kirurgi, ki te vrste operacij izvajajo tudi pri odraslih bolnikih. Rezultat. Zapletov med operacijo ni bilo, prav tako ne v pooperacijskem obdobju. Pri eni deklici so pred operativnim laparoskopskim posegom endoskopsko odstranili kamen iz žolčevoda. V treh primerih je operater naletel na močno izražene vnetne spremembe žolčnika in okolnih tkiv, kar je imelo za posledico zmerno podaljšanje operacije. Zaključek. Laparoskopska odstranitev žolčnika je tudi pri otroku varna operacija z vrsto prednosti. Izvajati pa jo mora vrhunsko usposobljen kirurg na področju minimalno invazivne kirurgije.