Author/Editor     Zaletel, Katja; Gaberšček, Simona; Hojker, Sergej
Title     Obremenitev z jodom in ščitnica
Translated title     Iodine excess and thyroid
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 69, št. 6
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 449-52
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. In endemic goitre areas (Slovenia is one of them) with higher frequency of thyroid autonomy the patients have a predisposition to become hyperthyrotic after iodine excess. It seems that the incidence of the disease among our patients increases. The main cause of iodine excess in medicine is amiodarone. It is an affective antiarrhythmic drug with high proportion of iodine, which accumulates mainly in fat tissue. From there it is slowly released and deiodinated and for this reason the iodide content in organism a few months after stopping amiodarone is still high. Less important cause of iodine excess are water-soluble contrast media because of little content of free iodide and fast elimination from the body. Conclusion. The purpose of the article is to point out the importance of risk assessment for occurrence of hyperthyroidism in patients who are to be treated with iodine containing drugs. We recommended the patient to come for a check-up in outpatient department for thyroid diseases before starting the treatment and during the treatment with amiodarone. In thyroid autonomy the treatment with radioactive iodine is necessary before treatment with amiodarone.
Summary     Izhodišča. Na področju endemske golšavosti (kamor sodi tudi Slovenija), kjer je večja pogostost avtonomnega tkiva, so bolniki bolj nagnjeni k nastanku hipertiroze zaradi obremenitve z jodom. Kaže, da incidenca bolezni med našimi bolniki narašča. Najbolj pomemben vzrok obremenitve z jodom je amiodaron. Je učinkovit antiaritmik, ki vsebuje veliko joda in se kopiči v maščevju. Od tu se počasi sprošča in dejodira, zato je še več mesecev po prenehanju zdravljenja z amiodaronom vsebnost jodida v organizmu visoka. Manj pomemben vzrok obremenitve z jodom so vodotopna rentgenska kontrastna sredstva, ker vsebujejo malo prostega jodida in se hitro izločijo iz organizma. Zaključki. Prispevek skuša opozoriti na pomen ocene ogrožanja za razvoj hipertiroze zaradi obremenitve z jodom pri bolnikih, kjer je predviden vnos snovi, ki vsebujejo jod. Priporočamo, da bolnika pred uvedbo zdravljenja in v času zdravljenja z amiodaronom nadzorujemo v tirološki ambulanti. V primeru avtonomnega tkiva v ščitnici je nujno zdravljenje z radioaktivnim jodom pred uvedbo amiodarona.
Descriptors     THYROID GLAND