Author/Editor     Boh, Marko
Title     Pomen holesterola HDL v normalnih in bolezenskih okoliščinah ter zdravljenje hipoalfalipoproteinemije
Translated title     The significance of HDL cholesterol in health and disease, and therapy of hypoalphalipoproteinemia
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 69, št. 6
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 471-5
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Numerous studies revealed that HDL-cholesterol is an important lipid risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease. However, from the clinical aspect, it still exists under the shadow of other lipid risk indicators. The structure and function of HDL in the metabolic process and cholesterol transport is variable and complicated, while its positive influence comprises reversible cholesterol transport, prevention of aggregation and oxidation of LDL-cholesterol, as well as stimulation of its metabolism in the endothelial cells, stimulation of fibrinolysis, and inhibition of platelet aggregation. HDL-cholesterol plasma levels are under the influence of different exogenous and endogenous factors, including lifestyle, medicines, other illnesses or genetic determinants, while studies indicate a close relation between HDL and other plasma lipids. The intention of this writing is to illuminate the role of HDL in normal and pathologic fat metabolism, and further, to create a practical algorithm of management of hypoalphalipoproteinemia. Conclusion. With regard to combined hyperlipidemia, and also isolated hypoalphalipoproteinemia, low HDL-cholesterol values have a negative influence on the incidence of cardiovascular disease. It is therefore necessary to introduce treatment. The treatment is started , irrespective of the type of the disease, with non-pharmacological measures and in case of insufficient efficacy, continued with pharmacotherapy.
Summary     Izhodišča. V številnih raziskavah se je izkazalo, da je holesterol HDL zelo pomemben lipidni dejavnik tveganja za razvoj bolezni srca in ožilja, vendar se zdi, da v kliničnem okviru biva v senci nekaterih drugih lipidnih kazalcev tveganja. Struktura in funkcija HDL v presnovi in prenosu holesterola je raznolika in zapletena, njegovi pozitivni vplivi pa obsegajo reverzni prenos holesterola, preprečevanje agregacije in oksidacije holesterola LDL ter spodbujanje njegove presnove v celicah endotelija, stimulacijo fibrinolize in zmanjševanje agregacije trombocitov. Koncentracija holesterola HDL v plazmi je predmet vpliva različnih eksogenih in endogenih dejavnikov, vključujoč življenske navade, zdravila, spremljajoče bolezni ali genske determinantne, raziskave pa kažejo tudi na tesno povezanost HDL z drugimi plazemskimi lipidi. Namen tega zapisa je osvetliti njegovo vlogo v normalnih in bolezenskih okoliščinah presnove telesnih maščob ter na podlagi terapevtskih možnosti, ki so na voljo, oblikovati priročen algoritem zdravljenja hipoalfalipoproteinemije. Zaključki. Nizke vrednosti holesterola HDL imajo v okviru kombinirane hiperlipidemije kot tudi izolirane hipoalfalipoproteinemije negativen vpliv na pojavnost bolezni srca in ožilja, zato jih je potrebno zdraviti. Zdravljenje se, ne glede na obliko bolezni, prične z nefarmakološkimi ukrepi in se, v primeru nezadostne učinkovitosti, nadaljuje s farmakoterapijo.