Author/Editor     Balaban, Marija; Zaletel, Marija
Title     Vpliv zdravstvene vzgoje na prehrano osnovnošolca
Translated title     The impact of health education on the eating habits of primary school children
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 34, št. 3-4
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 143-9
Language     slo
Abstract     The article presents the results of the research study on the impact of health education on eating habits of primary school children; it presents basic meaures of healthy nutrition and stresses the importance of several nutrients for human health. It presents the eating habits of adolescents, the role of the rhythm of feeding and "junk" food in the care of ones health. As well, the diseases and problems related to nutrition in an adolescent are presented. It deals with improper eating habits of the Slovenians, including primary school children, based on the data on the research of eating habits of Slovenian primary school children from 1996. The empirical part of the study presents the results of two inquiries on healthy nutrition and eating habits-one was performed on 93 schoolchildren from 6th and 7th grade, and the other performed on the some group after a lecture on healthy nutrition. The results show that children acquired knowledge from this area but they eating habits do not change to a significant degree.
Summary     Članek predstavlja rezultate raziskave, o vplivu zdravstvene vzgoje na prehrano osnovnošolcev in povzema osnovna merila za sestavo zdrave hrane s poudarkom na pomembnosti posameznih hranilnih snovi za človekovo zdravje. Posebej prikaže prehrano mladostnika, vlogo pravilnega ritma hranjenja ter "hitre" prehrane v skrbi za zdravje. V nadaljevanju so predstavljene bolezni ter motnje hranjenja pri mladostniku, ki so posledica nepravilne prehrane. Obravnava slabe prehranjevalne navade Slovencev, tudi osnovnošolcev, ki jih podpre z oceno prehranjenosti slovenskih osnovnošolcev iz leta 1996. V empiričnem delu naloga prikaže rezultate dveh anket o zdravi prehrani ter prehranjevalnih navadah; prve, ki je bila opravljena pri 93 učencih 6. in 7. razreda osnovne šole, ter druge, ki je bila opravljena pri istih učencih po predavanju o zdravi prehrani. Izkaže se, da učenci po predavanju pridobijo znanje s tega področja, vendar se njihove prehranjevalne navade bistveno niso spremenile.
Descriptors     CHILD NUTRITION