Author/Editor     Fajdiga, Igor; Žargi, Miha; Šmid, Lojze; Hočevar-Boltežar, Irena
Title     Prepoznavanje raka grla s fluorescenčno laringoskopijo
Translated title     Diagnosis of laryngeal cancer by fluorescence laryngoscopy
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. Suppl 3
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 69-73
Language     slo
Abstract     Tissue fluorescence induced by a specific wavelength without photodynamic markers offers new possibilities for the detection and localisation of early laryngeal carcinoma. The recognition of cancer is possible with a specially designed system (LIFE, Xillix Co., Richmond, Canada) that displays different fluorescent properties of normal and cancerous tissues on a video monitor. 111 patients (in 82 of whom malignancy was suspected) were included in the study. Laryngoscopic appearance obtained by microlaryngoscopy was compared to the fluorescence image and the pathohistological findings for the observed sites. The results of this study show that detection of laryngeal malignancies with fluorescence laryngoscopy is more effective than with standard microlaryngoscopy and that the recognition is even more successful if the two methods are used in combination.
Summary     Fluorescenca tkiva, izzvana brez fotodinamičnih označevalcev s svetlobo določene valovne dolžine, ponuja nove možnosti za odkrivanje in zamejitev zgodnjih oblik raka v grlu. Prepoznavanje rakastih sprememb nam omogoča sistem (LIFE, Xillix Co., Richmond, Kanada), ki prikaže različno fluorescenco zdravega in rakavega tkiva na zaslonu. Opazovali smo 111 bulnikov, med katerimi smo pri 82 sumili na raka grla. Vtis, ki smo ga dobili pri laringomikroskopiji, smo primerjali s fluorescenčno sliko in s histopatološkim izvidom opazovanega mesta. Rezultati dela kažejo, da je odkrivanje raka in rizičnega epitelija s fluorescenčno laringoskopijo boljše kot z laringomikroskopijo, odkrivanje pa je še veliko učinkovitejšc, če preiskavi uporabimo v kombinaciji.