Author/Editor     Munda, Anton; Becner, Drago; Čizmarevič, Bogdan; Grošeta, Tomislav; Žic, Rado; Lanišnik, Boštjan; Didanovič, Vojko
Title     Multifragmentalni zlom nosne piramide in ukrivljen nosni pretin
Translated title     Multi-fragmental fracture of the nasal pyramid and deviation of the nasal septum
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. Suppl 3
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 125-8
Language     slo
Abstract     Fractures of the nasal pyramid with dislocation cause changes in the statics, aesthetics and functions of the nose. Fracture of the bent cartilaginous nasal septum and/or its bony frame releases intrinsic forces in the cartilage. Despite successful primary bone reduction, there can later be a progressive distortion of the quadrangular cartilage in the direction of the prevailing forces. As a consequence, the still unfixed bone fragments are pulled by these forces, which results in a deformed appearance of the nose. Therefore, the best solution would be an excision-replacement reconstruction of the deformed nasal septum. After remodelling on the instrument-table (extracorporeal), all the available parts are reinserted and the septum is restored in the straight median position. As the septum goes, so goes the nose! The bony part of the nasal pyramid should be restored simultaneously with the restoration of the nasal septum.
Summary     Zlomi nosne piramide z zamikom spremenijo nosno statiko, estetiko in funkcijo. Zlomi hrustančnega dela zvitega nosnega pretina in/ali njegovega kostnega okvirja sprostijo hrustančne intrinzične sile. Kljub sprva dobro napravljeni uravnavi kosti pride kasneje do postopnega krivljenja kvadrangularnega hrustanca v smeri prevladujoče sile. To za sabo potegne še ne dovolj trdno zarasle kostne dele in lahko spremeni tudi zunanji izgled nosu. Zato je najbolje v celoti izrezati izkrivljen ali zverižen nosni pretin. Po prikrojevanju in izravnavi na instrumentarski mizi vložimo vse uporabne dele nazaj in obnovimo pretin v medianem položaju. Kamor potegne pretin - se premakne še nos! Po večfragmentalnem zlomu nosne piramide moramo istočasno ponovno namestiti koščeni del nosne piramide ter izravnati in obnoviti ukrivljen nosni pretin z metodo izreza in ponovne vložitve uravnanih delov.
Descriptors     NASAL BONE