Author/Editor     Mihelčič, Marika
Title     Razvoj govora pri otrocih s polžkovim vsadkom
Translated title     Development of speech in children with cochlear implants
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. Suppl 3
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 211-5
Language     slo
Abstract     The main consequence of hearing loss is the inability to communicate orally, which causes problems in living as a social being. There are great differences in terms of speech development for the deaf and the hearing-impaired. However, speech communication is limited for all of them. Inspite of good rehabilitation (started after diagnosis) and optimal circumstances (family support, the child's co-operation and good learning disposition), speech is still trained communication and not spontaneous. Regarding the child's opportunities for gaining skills, needed for an oral communication, the age when they receive the cochlear implant and duration of deafness have came out as essential conditions. In a rehabilitation the therapist can in some aspects follow the same way of speech development as for the hearing child. He/she is able to reach quite good spontaneity, important for the expression of feelings and emotions, which is the basic characteristic of the mother tongue.
Summary     Najtežja posledica slušne izgube je nezmožnost govorno komunicirati, kar povzroča težave v življenju socialnega bitja. Med razvojem govora pri gluhem in naglušnem obstajajo precejšnje razlike; kljub temu je sposobnost komunikacije obema omejena. Kljub dobri rehabilitaciji (ki se prične po diagnosticiranju) in optimalnih okoliščinah (podpora družine, otrokova pripravljenost za sodelovanje, njegove dobre učne dispozicije) je govor zavestno in ne spontano naučena komunikacija. V opazovanju otrokovih možnosti za razvoj sposobnosti, potrebnih za oralno komunikacijo, sta poglavitna dejavnika starost ob prejemu polževega vsadka in trajanje gluhosti. Terapevt lahko v (re)habilitaciji sledi razvoju govora pri slišečih otrocih, da bo otrok s polževim vsadkom sposoben doseči kvaliteto spontanosti, pomembno za izražanje občutkov in čustev, kar je osnovna značilnost maternega jezika.
Descriptors     COCHLEAR IMPLANT