Author/Editor     Dermota, Lovro
Title     Farmacevtska skrb pri zdravljenju duševnih bolezni - poklicna odličnost in etika
Translated title     Pharmaceutical care in the mental illness treatment: professional excellence and ethics
Type     članek
Source     Farm Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 51, št. Spec issue
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 237-40
Language     slo
Abstract     Good public relations and health education of general public and patient groups are becoming one of the important tasks of pharmaceutical profession. General knowledge about therapy and medicines in the general public needs to be improved. Along with it, a better understanding and acknowledgement of pharmaceutical servises by the public to the society can be expected,a level of mutual trust reinforced, and the negative imapct of over-commercialized public advertising of pharmaceutical companies at least in part mitigated. Even larger obstacles in the achivement of these goals can be expected in the mental disorders/illness patient populations. In Slovenia in 1997, 2,55% of all general practitioners visits were for mental complaints, which in turn amounted to 6,9% of all lost working days with an average workplace absence duration of 50 days. In the overall workplace absence, mental disease/disorder states rank third place,following cancer and pregnancies. In patient-pharmacist communication ot is important that the pharmacist should understand the patients state and act appropriately. Professional distance and empathy is sought in communication in such cases with concentration on the underlying reasons which bring patient to the pharmacy: the prescription, the medication and the counseling. The article deals also with the profesional risk exposure of the pharmacist and the allevation of the burnout syndrome.
Summary     Osveščanje prebivalstva je ena izmed pomembnih nalog farmacevtske dejavnosti. Cilj našega tovrstnega delovanja je zvišati splošno raven znanja prebivalstva o zdravilih in zdravljenju, s čemer želimo doseči tudi bolj realen odnos do lekarniške dejavnosti, hkrati pa omiliti nekatere negativne učinke agresivne promocije proizvajalcev zdravil. Večje težave in ovire lahko farmacevti pričakujemo v komunikaciji s tistimi bolniki, ki razen somatskih izkazujejo predvsem hujše duševne motnje oz. se zaradi njih zdravijo pri psihiatrih. V Sloveniji je bilo l 1997 zaradi duševnih in vedenjskih motenj v splošni ambulanti 2,55% vzrokov za obisk, bolniški stalež teh motenj predstavlja 6,9% od skupno izgubljenih dni s povprečnim trajanjem odsotnosti cca. 50 dni. Po trajanju odsotnosti z dela so duševne bolezni na tretjem mestu - za rakom in nosečnostjo. Pomembno je, da farmacevt ob morebitnih obtožbah takšnega bolnika razume, da je to sestavni del njegove resničnosti, njegovega doživljanja in mišljenja, in ob tem ustrezno ravna. Komuniciranje prilagodi tako, da ostaja (profesionalno) distanciran in racionalen ter usmerjen na to, zaradi česar bolnik prihaja v lekarno - recept, zdravila in navodila. Članek se posveča tudi poklicnemu tveganju farmacevta in izogibanju tim. sindromu izgorevanja.
Descriptors     MENTAL DISORDERS