Author/Editor     Zalar, Bojan
Title     Depresija - čustvo in diagnoza
Translated title     Depression - emotion and diagnosis
Type     članek
Source     Farm Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 51, št. Spec issue
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 241-6
Language     slo
Abstract     For several years now depression has presented itself as the most common disease of our time with its incidence still increasing. Today depression is classified as a disorder since the causes that would convincingly define it as a disease are not known. The treatment itself has not changed due to the changes in classification status: it was the new generations of psychoactive drugs and the introduction of more effective psychoterapeutic interventions that broadened the treatment options. Depression does not come into existence overnight although its onset is often perceived that way. It has been forming for a long time before we become aware of it and before others can recognise it. It involves many risks and represents a very serious and dangerous disorder, therefore it is more than adequate to get acquainted with possible forms of experiencing and behaving that lead to the development of depression. It is common knowledge that prevention is better than cure and that is definitely easier to cope with individual factors than with the syndrome as a whole. Maybe the development of psychoactive drugs will be someday focused on these areas as well in order to prevent this dangerous disorder.
Summary     Depresija je bila že pred leti predstavljena kot najpogostejša bolezen sodobnega časa, njena pojavnost pa še vedno narašča. Danes jo uvrščamo med motnje, ker niso znani vzroki, ki bi jo prepričljivo opredelili kot bolezen. Zdravljenje se zgolj zaradi prekvalifikacije ni nič spremenilo, bolj so nanj vplivale nove generacije psihofarmakov in uvedba učinkovitejših psihoterapevtskih intervencij. Depresija ne nastane preko noči, čeprav njen pojav zaznavamo na približno takšen način. Nastaja že dolgo, preden se je zavemo, in je prisotna že dolgo, preden jo prepoznajo drugi. V sebi skriva vrsto tveganj in pomeni zelo resno in nevarno motnjo, zato je dobro, da se seznanimo z možnimi oblikami doživljanja in vedenja, ki vodijo v nastanek depresije. Vsi vemo, da je bolje preprečevati kot zdraviti in zagotovo se je lažje spoprijeti s posameznimi dejavniki, kot celotnim sindromom. Morda se bo psihofarmakoterapevtski razvoj usmeril tudi na ta področja in s tem preprečil nastanek te tako nevarne motnje.
Descriptors     DEPRESSION