Author/Editor     Albreht, Tit
Title     Analiza skladnosti odpustnih diagnoz z mednarodno klasifikacijo bolezni 9. revizije in ustreznosti kodiranja le-teh na internističnih in pljučnih oddelkih nekaterih slovenskih bolnišnic
Translated title     Analysis of the compatibility of discharge diagnoses with the international classification of diseases, 9th revision, and of adequacy of their coding at internal medicine and pulmonary departments of some Slovenian hospitals
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. 5-6
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 69-77
Language     slo
Abstract     Coding of discharge diagnoses is a standardised translated form of the (main) discharge diagnosis. The joint analysis of the data on treated patients is important because of: planning of hospital facilities in a certain speciality, analysis of the extent of the services delivered and their quality. Since aggregated data are processed for the needs of epidemiologic analyses, it is essential to be very accurate in coding. That way the quality of key data on hospitalised patients is also ensured. Errors of coding are damaging first for the department where they were committed and then also since they distort the data on national pathology. In the systems of health insurance where financing of hospitals is connected to diagnoses' coding, errors can have also financial consequences for both. the provider and the payer of services.
Summary     Kodiranje odpustnih diagnoz je standardizirana oblika zapisa (glavne) odpustne diagnoze. Skupno analiziranje podatkov o zdravljenih bolnikih je pomembno zaradi: načrtovanja zmogljivosti v določeni specialnosti, analize obsega opravljenega dela in njegove kakovosti. Ker se za potrebe epidemioloških analiz obdelujejo agregirani podatki, je pri kodiranju potrebna natančnost, ki s tem zagotavlja tudi kakovost ključnih podatkov o hospitaliziranih bolnikih. Napake pri kodiranju so škodljive najprej za oddelek, kjer so bile napravljene, nato pa tudi zato, ker izkrivljajo podatke o nacionalni patologiji. V sistemih zdravstvenega zavarovanja, kjer je financiranje bolnišnic povezano s kodiranjem diagnoz, pa imajo napake lahko tudi finančne posledice tako za izvajalca kot za plačnika storitev