Author/Editor     Kores-Plesničar, Blanka; Zalar, Bojan
Title     Nekognitivni simptomi Alzheimerjeve bolezni
Translated title     Noncognitive symptoms of Alzheimer's disease
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 69, št. 7-8
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 525-30
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Noncognitive symptoms are still not specifically defined by the diagnostic criteria for Alzheimer's disease in any of the existing psychiatric classifications although they constitute, together with cognitive symptoms and changes of everyday function, an integral part of the disease. In the paper the authors describe noncognitive symptoms that are most often observed in clinical praxis and their connection with everyday function of patients with Alzheimer's disease. Conclusions. Patients with Alzheimer's disease need to be evaluated with various assessments scales measuring, besides cognitive functions, also noncognitive functions and their connection with functional abilities of patients. Only an integral evaluative approach renders possible an accurate diagnostic as well as prognostic assessment of the disease itself, and for the patient and for the caretaker alike, defines the necessary therapeutic interventions.
Summary     Izhodišča. Diagnostični kriteriji za Alzheimerjevo bolezen še vedno v nobeni izmed veljavnih psihiatričnih klasifikacij posebej ne opredeljujejo nekognitivnih simptomov, čeprav so le-ti, skupaj s kognitivnimi simptomi in spremembami v vsakodnevnih aktivnostih sestavni del bolezni. Avtorja v prispevku opisujeta nekognitivne simptome, ki se v klinični praksi najpogosteje pojavljajo, ter njihovo povezanost z vsakodnevnim funkcioniranjem bolnikov z Alzheimerjevo boleznijo. Zaključki. Pri bolnikih z Alzheimerjevo boleznijo je potrebno z različnimi ocenjevalnimi lestvicami in metodami oceniti poleg kognitivnih funkcij tudi nekognitivne simptome in njihovo povezanost s funkcionalnimi sposobnostmi bolnika. Le celovita ocena omogoča natančno diagnostično in prognostično oceno same bolezni in za bolnike ter njihove negovalce opredeli potrebne terapevtske intervencije.