Author/Editor     Kaplan-Pavlovčič, S; Gregorič, G; Zbačnik, R
Title     48-urno neinvazivno ambulantno merjenje krvnega tlaka pri bolnikih s končno ledvično odpovedjo, ki so zdravljeni s hemodializo
Type     članek
Source     In: Lindič J, Kaplan-Pavlovčič S, editors. Zbornik prispevkov 1. slovenski nefrološki kongres z mednarodno udeležbo; 1996 okt 23-26; Portorož. Ljubljana: Klinični center, Nefrološka klinika,
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 91-6
Language     slo
Abstract     In our study we tried to determine the effect of the interdialytic weight gain on the blood pressure (BP) in hemodialytic patients with end-stage renal failure, treated by haemodialysis and to determine the influence of stress factors of the hospital environment on the BP. Fourty patients with end stage renal failure treated by hemodialysis who satisfied the inclusion criterias were enroled in the study. The 48 - hour noninvasive ambulatory BP monitoring began with the beginning of the hemodialysis and was performed using automatic BP monitoring devices (Space Labs 90207). Patients who exceeded 4.5% of interdialytic weight gain and those whose interdialytic weight gain was lower than 3.5% were compared. Furtherly we compared BP measured during the hemodialysis with the BP obtained on the some hours next day in order to evaluate the influence of the stressful hospital environment on BP. There was no statisticaly sifnificant difference in BP among the patients with the interdialytic weight gain lower than 3.5% and higher than 4.5%. The systolic BP was statisticaly significantly higher during the dialysis than after 24 hours, when it was measured in home environment. The diastolyc BP did not differ significantly. The interdialytic weight gain has no significant effect on BP in hemodialysis patients. The stressful hospital environment raises systolic BP, therefore we suggest that the data obtained by the rutine measurements performed during the hemodialysis are not adequate for the evulation of arterial hypertension. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters.)