Author/Editor     Kac, F; Fajdiga, M; Džakula, N; Markulin, M; Strelec, V; Svenšek, I
Title     Učinkovitost antikokcidijskega pripravka Diklavet v preprečevanju kokcidioze v masovni proizvodnji brojlerjev
Type     članek
Source     In: Lukarev T, Prodanov R, Dodovski M, editors. Zbornik. Živinarski dnevovi; 1991 apr 24-26; Ohrid. Skopje: Veterinaren institut "Skopje",
Publication year     1991
Volume     str. III-194-200
Language     slo
Abstract     The efficacy of the anticoccidial Diklavet (diklazurill) in broilers was compared to the effect of the coccidiostat Lerbek (methly-chlorpindol-methylbenzoquate). During the trial the clinical oicture, mortality, body weight, feed conversion, productional index (PI) and the prophylactic effect in coccidiosis were monitored. The trial was performed in two industrial breeding buildings, each containing 42 600 broilers (I. group). The efficacy of both drugs was studied in two equal buildings with the same number of broilers (42 600). In the 1st group the parasitological examination of the killed and dead broilers was performed od day 28 and on day 35 results of the testing of the evolutionary stages of aoccidia, oocysts in feaces and liter were negative. In the 2nd group a mild infection with E. acervulina and E. maxima was observed on day 28. and on day 35 oocysts of E. tenella were found in 5 broilers, suggesting a latent or subclinical form of coccidiosis (tabel 2). With regard to the production criteria (bodu weight, PI) the efficacy of Diklavet was also proven better Compared to the reference coccidiostat.
Descriptors     COCCIDIOSIS