Author/Editor     Šeruga, Tomaž; Milojkovič, Vojin; Bunc, Gorazd; Klein, Guenther E
Title     Endovaskularno zdravljenje anevrizem možganskih arterij
Translated title     Endovascular treatment of intracranial artery aneurysms
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 69, št. 9
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 607-12
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Endovascular treatment of intracranial artery aneurysms with the Guglielmi detachable coil (GDC) system. Methods. Endovascular treatment was performed in three patients with intracranial artery aneurysms. Two aneurysms were reptured, patients suffered an extensive subarachnoid hemorrhage, and third aneurysm was asymptomatic and was detected incidentally. A Tracker 10 microcatheter was placed into aneurysm and embolisation was performed with the Guglielmi detachable coil (GDC) system. Platinum coils are detached from the delivery coil by means of electrolysis. Results. After the procedure control angiography showed embolisation coils in a good position. Aneurysms were excluded from the cerrebral circulation and distal artery branches were preserved. The patients outcome depends on clinical status before the procedure. The patient with asymptomatic aneurysm left hospital one day after the procedure. Both patients with extensive subarachnoid hemorrhage died two weeks after the procedure due to secondary complications of the initial bleeding. Conclusions. Endovascular therapy of intracranial artery aneurysms is a method alternative to established surgical treatment. It is the only treatment path in the patients that are not suitable for surgery. Endovascular treatment is a non-invasive method, and causes no additional damage to the brain tissue. The treatment method is in clinical use in last decade, so the long term follow up results are still a part of the research work.
Summary     Izhodišča. Prikaz intervencijskega endovaskularnega zdravljenja anevrizem možganskih arterij z embolizacijo s pomočjo Guglielmijevega sistema platinastih zank (GDC). Metode. Endovaskularni postopek zdravljenja smo uporabili pri treh bolnikih s tremi intrakranialnimi anevrizmami. Dve anevrizmi sta bili rupturirani in bolnika sta imela obsežno subarahnoidno krvavitev, pri tretji bolnici je bila anevrizma odkrita naključno. S pomočjo Tracker-10 mikrokatetra smo anevrizmo embolizirali s platinastimi zankami, ki jih od kovinskega vodila ločimo z elektrolizo. Sistem snemnih zank se imenuje po izumitelju Guglielmi detachable coil (GDC). Rezultati. Kontrolne angiografije po embolizaciji anevrizem so pokazale pravilen položaj zank v anevrizmah, ki so bile izključene iz cirkulacije. Distalni deli arterij so bili v celoti ohranjeni. Preživetje bolnikov je odvisno predvsem od kliničnega stanja bolnikov pred posegom. Bolnica z nerupturirano anevrizmo je zapustila bolnišnico naslednji dan zdrava, bolnika s hudo subarahnoidno krvavitvijo, ki za kirurški poseg nista bila več sposobna, sta po dveh tednih umrla za posledicami prvotne krvavitve. Zaključki. Intervencijsko zdravljenje anevrizem možganskega ožilja z embolizacijo predstavlja dopolnilni način uveljavljeni kirurški terapiji. Pri bolnikih, ki niso sposobni za opracijo, predstavlja edini mogoči način zaščite pred usodno ponovno krvavitvijo. Poseg je neinvaziven in pri že prizadetih možganih ne povzroča dodatnih poškodb. Metoda se klinično uporablja slabo desetletje, zato raziskave na področju trajnosti rezultatov še niso dokončne.