Author/Editor     Bavec, Saša; Raspor, Peter
Title     Protection of biotechnological inventions in Slovenia
Type     članek
Source     In: Glavič P, Brodnjak-Vončina D, editors. Zbornik referatov s posvetovanja Slovenski kemijski dnevi 2000: 1. in 2. del; 2000 sep 28-29; Maribor. Maribor: FKKT,
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 515-22
Language     eng
Abstract     Sufficient patent protection is, because of high investments in R&D, one of the most important factors for further development of high-technological fields like modern biotechnology. Unfortunately patent law and practice have difficulties in keeping up with the rapid scientific progress in these fields. European Union (EU) has attempted to adapt present patent legislation to the current state of the art in the field of biotechnology with special legal act-The European directive on legal protection of biotechnological inventions (Directive) issued in 1998. The comparison of patent legislation in Slovenia with those in EU shows that the possibilities for protection of biotechnological inventions in Slovenia and EU are almost the same. The protection of industrial property in Slovenia is regulated by Law on Industrial Property of 1992 (LIP of 1992), which form together with several international treaties (like TRIPS Agreement, Paris Conventions, The Budapest Treaty, UPOV Conventions, etc.) signed by Slovenia, a legal frames for protection of inventions. Slovenian patent law is less restrictive than European Patent Conventions (EPC). Patenting of some inventions whose patentability is by EPC explicitly excluded (plant and animal varieties) is possible in Slovenia. At the moment there is a new Slovenian patent law in preparation. Its main purpose is to harmonise the text of Slovenian patent law with provisions of TRIPS Agreement, EPC and Directive.
Descriptors     BIOTECHNOLOGY