Author/Editor     Simčič, Saša
Title     Fagocitoza in okužbe
Translated title     Phagocytosis and infectious diseases
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. Suppl 4
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 109-14
Language     slo
Abstract     Phagocytes express pattern-recognition receptors that recognize conserved molecular patterns shared by large groups of microorganisms. Direct recognition of molecular patterns is mediated via the various hydrophobin receptors, Toll-like receptors, integrins and lectin-like receptors such as the mannose receptor. The respective opsonins of Fc, complement or collectin receptors provide the generic pattern. These receptors may play a dual role, firstly in clearance of infectious agents and, secondly, as links between the innate and the adaptive immune responses. Activated phagocytes are capable of generating large amounts of highly toxic molecules either of oxygen or non-oxygen origin that exert antimicrobial activity against infectious agents. In spite of all this, several pathogens can resist this first line defence and therefore thrive within different subcellular compartments. Several cytokines and cytokine-mediated soluble factors play a crucial role in the control or the killing of intracellular pathogens by phagocytes, and therefore in early host resistance. The evidence for a coop- eration of cytokines with antibiotics in intracellular infection could provide new therapeutic approaches to intracellular infectious diseases in the future.
Summary     Fagociti izražajo receptorje, ki prepoznavajo ohranjene molekulske vzorce, značilne za večje skupine mikroorganizmov. Neposredno prepoznavanje teh vzorcev posredujejo različni receptorji za hidrofobine, receptorjem Toll podobni receptorji, integrini in lektini, kot je receptor za manozo. Posamezni opsonini s svojimi Fc-receptorji, receptorji za komplement ali kolektine pa določajo splošni vzorec prepoznavanja mikroorganizmov. Ti receptorji imajo dvojno vlogo: prvič, pri odstranjevanju patogenov, in drugič, pri povezavi naravne odpornosti in pridobljene imunosti. Spodbujeni fagociti proizvedejo veliko citotoksičnih molekul, oksidativnega in neoksidativnega izvora, s protimikrobno dejavnostjo. Kljub temu pa se nekateri mikrobi lahko uprejo tej prvi obrambni črti in preživijo v različnih znotrajceličnih predelih. Pri premagovanju znotrajceličnih mikrobov in zgodnji obrambi pred njimi imajo pomembno vlogo mnogi citokini in od njih odvisni drugi topni dejavniki. Z odkritjem antibiotikov, ki sodelujejo s citokini pri obrambi pred temi mikrobi, bi imunokemoterapija z njimi lahko pomenila nov pristop pri zdravljenju okužb z znotrajceličnimi mikrobi.
Descriptors     INFECTION