Author/Editor     Peterlin-Mašič, Lucija; Pečar, Slavko
Title     Kombinatorična kemija
Translated title     Combinatorial chemistry
Type     članek
Source     Farm Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 51, št. 3
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 467-82
Language     slo
Abstract     Combinatorial chemistry has emerged as a set of novel strategies and technologies for the synthesis of large sets of compounds (combinatorial libraries) for biological evaluation. Within a few years combnatorial chemistry has undergone a series of changes in trends, which are closely related to two important factors of libraries: numbers and quality. While the number of compounds in a library can be easily expressed, it is more difficult to indicate the degree of quality of a library. This degree of quality can be split into two aspects: purity and diversity. In this review we will discuss the methods for the generation and screening of combinatorial libraries, library design, molecular diversity and application in molecular recognition, catalysis, and biocatalysis.
Summary     Kombinatorična kemija se pojavlja kot skupina novih strategij in tehnologij za sintezo velikega števila spojin (kombinatorične knjižnice), namenjenih za biološko ovrednotenje. V zadnjih letih je kombinatorična kemija prešla vrsto sprememb v trendih, ki se nanašajo na dva pomembna faktorja knjižnic: število in kvaliteto. Medtem ko je veliko število spojin zlahka doseči, je mnogo težje doseči stopnjo kvalitete knjižnice. Stopnjo kvalitete knjižnice lahko izrazimo z dvema aspektoma: čistoto in raznolikostjo. V članku predstavljamo metode za pripravo in rešetanje kombinatoričnih knjižnic, načrtovanje knjižnic, molekulsko raznolikost ter uporabo pri molekulskem prepoznavanju, katalizi in biokatalizi.
Descriptors     DRUG COMPOUNDING