Author/Editor     Kužner, J; Kožuh-Eržen, N; Drobnič-Košorok, M
Title     Determination of the terbinafine hydrochloride levels in hair of cats and children infected with microsporum canis and treated with lamisil tablets
Translated title     Določanje nivoja terbinafinijevega hidroklorida v dlaki mačk in v laseh otrok, obolelih za mikrosporozo in zdravljenih s tabletami lamisil
Type     članek
Source     Slov Vet Res
Vol. and No.     Letnik 37, št. 3
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 107-13
Language     eng
Abstract     Concentration of terbinafine hydrochloride (Lamisil) in hair of cats and children is a very important indicator for the evaluation of the drug and treatment effectiveness. A sensitive, fast, reliable and cost effective method for the routine determination of the terbinafine hydrochloride levels at its action site was needed. We developed a high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method with an appropriate sample pre-treatment (liquid-liquid extraction) for the determination of terbinafine hydrochloride levels in cat's hair. This method showed as more sensitive and faster than other methods published. Hence, it has been modified for the determination of terbinafine hydrochloride levels in hair of children infected with Microsporum canis and treated with Lamisil tablets. A possible difference between metabolic pathways of the terbinafine hydrochloride in cat and human is suspected on the basis of the experimental data obtained in this experiment. Further and more detailed study is necessary to support this theory.
Summary     Poznavanje vsebnosti terbinafinijevega hidroklorida v dlakah mačk in v laseh otrok, obolelih za mikrosporozo in zdravljenih s tabletami Lamisil, se je izkazalo za pomembno v napovedovanju učinkovitosti zdravljenja. Za določanje vsebnosti terbinafinijevega hidroklorida je potrebna dovolj občutljiva, hitra in zanesljiva ter cenovno sprejemljiva analitska metoda. Zato smo razvili metodo tekočinske kromatografije visoke ločljivosti (HPLC) s poprejšnjim razklopom in ekstrakcijo vzorcev, ki je omogočala določanje vsebnosti terbinafinijevega hidroklorida v dlaki mačk. Ker je metoda občutljivejša in časovno hitrejša od metod, ki jih navaja relevantna literatura, smo jo modificirali oziroma prilagodili določanju vsebnosti iste substance v laseh otrok, obolelih za mikrosporozo in zdravljenih s tabletami Lamisil. Meritve vsebnosti terbinafinijevega hidroklorida v mačjih dlakah in otroških laseh so pokazale domnevne razlike v metabolizmu terbinafinijevega hidroklorida pri mačkah in pri ljudeh in kažejo na potrebo po nadaljnjih raziskavah.
Descriptors     DERMATOMYCOSES