Author/Editor     Sočan, Maja
Title     Mreža za epidemiološko sledenje gripe in drugih akutnih okužb dihal
Translated title     Sentinel surveillance system of influenza and other acute respiratory infections
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. 9-10
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 221-4
Language     slo
Abstract     Sentinel surveillance system of influenza was introduced in autumn 1999 in Slovenia. The number of patients with influenza-like illness (ILI) and other acute respiratory infections (ARI) was reported weekly by sentinel primary care physicians. Pharyngeal swabs were collected in limited number of patients with clinical symptoms compatible with influenza. The highest incidence rate of ILI was observed in week 4 (611 per 100.000 inhabitants) and in week 3 of the year 2000 for ARI (2723 per 100.000 inhabitants). At first, the number of ILI patients increased in Koper and Nova Gorica region. Children younger than three years were the most affected age group. Antigen of influenza A virus was confirmed in 38 (20.8%) of patients out of 218 tested. The isolated virus was antigenically close to the vaccine variant and to other viral strains isolated in Europe as confirmed by the WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Influenza in London. This season, no influenza B virus or respiratory syncytial virus was isolated.
Summary     V Sloveniji smo pričeli epidemiološko slediti gripo preko mreže zdravnikov osnovnega zdravstvenega varstva v jeseni leta 1999. Zdravniki so posredovali vsak teden podatke o številu zbolelih z gripi podobno boleznijo (GPB) in nekaterimi drugimi akutnimi okužbami dihal (ARI). Pri nekaterih bolnikih, ki so po klinični sliki ustrezali gripi, je bil odvzet bris žrela. Najvišja incidenca GPB je bila v 4.tednu (611/100.000 prebivalcev), za ARI pa v 3. tednu leta 2000 (2723/100.000 prebivalcev). Število zbolelih z GPB se je najprej povečalo v koprski, nato pa v novogoriški regiji.Največzbolelih je bilo med otroki, mlajšimi od treh let, posebno pri bolnikih z ARI. Pri 38 (20,8%) od 218 bolnikov smo potrdili prisotnost antigena influence A. Izolirani sevi so bili antigensko sorodni cepilnemu sevu in se niso razlikovali od ostalih izolatov v Evropi, kar je bilo potrjeno v referenčnem centru Svetovne zdravstvene organizacije za influenco v Londonu (WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Influenza). Pri nobenem bolniku nismo našli virusa influence B ali respiratornega sincicijskega virusa.