Author/Editor     Pajnič, Manca; Hoyer, Silvestra
Title     Informiranost mater o naravni in umetni prehrani ter delovanje La leche league international
Translated title     Knowledge of mothers about natural and substitute feeding and activities of La Leche League International
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 34, št. 5-6
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 201-7
Language     slo
Abstract     The article presents the research work carried out in 1998 and covering 30 randomly selected mothers with children between six and 12 months of age. The aims were to find out about the awareness of mothers about the knowledge of mothers about natural and substitute FEEDING, and to find out whether the producers of artificial food propagate their products through health system. The article presents the world greatest non-governmental organization La Leche League International which has been endeavoring for 30 years for greater promotion and advancement of breast feeding. Data showed that mothers get most information on breast feeding and artificial nutrition in parents school and through reading, but not enough in maternity hospital. Health workers do encourage mothers to breastfeed but their help is not sufficient. None of the mothers received any propaganda material of cheap products of substitute food from health workers but they received them from different other agents.
Summary     Članek predstavlja raziskavo, narejeno leta 1998, v katero je bilo zajetih trideset naključno izbranih mater, ki so imele otroke, stare med šestim in dvanajstim mesecem. Cilja sta bila ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri so matere informirane o naravni in umetni prehrani ter ali proizvajalci nadomestnega mleka le-to propagirajo prek sistema zdravstva. V članku je predstavljena svetovno največja nevladna organizacija , La Leche League International, ki si že štirideset let prizadeva za večjo promocijo in uveljavitev dojenja. Rezultati so pokazali, da matere največ informacij s področja dojenja in umetne prehrane dobijo v šoli za starše ter s prebiranjem literature, premalo pa v porodnišnici. Zdravstveni delavci matere spodbujajo pri dojenju, premalo pa jim pri samem dojenju pomagajo. Nobena mati ni dobila reklame ali poceni izdelkov nadomestne prehrane od zdravstvenih delavcev, so jih pa dobile od različnih drugih posrednikov.
Descriptors     INFANT NUTRITION