Author/Editor     Židanik, Miloš
Title     Bojazljivostna (izmikajoča se) osebnostna motnja. Pikraz primera
Translated title     Anxious (avoidant) presonality disorder. Case report
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 69, št. 11
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 745-8
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Persons with axious personality disorder are tense and worried, they express uncertainty and lack of self-confidence with restraint in their social life, especially in close and intimate relationships. They desire the warmth and security of human companionship, but avoid forming relationships by their alleged fear of rejection and criticism. They are more vulnerable to stressful events and are prone to depression, anxiety and social phobia. Because of their personality features they have difficulties in forming a close relationship with the therapist. In this article I present a psychotherapeutic process with a patient with anxious personality disorder. Conclusion. The features of anxious personality disorder reflect also in the therapy setting-there is a possibility of sudden therapy breakout without warning. So, the transference analysis is the key feature of the therapy. If the patient stays in the relationship with the therapists, he can get important experiences in the field of forming companionship that he can use in average situations. Regarding this, psychoanalytic psychotherapy may stay the treatment of choice for some patients with the anxious personality disorder in spite of the recommendations from the literatire, that are preferring more supportive techniques.
Summary     Izhodišča. Za ljudi z bojazljivostno osebnostno motnjo so značilna občutja napetosti in zaskrbjenosti, negotovosti in manjvrednosti, kar jih omejuje pri vzpostavljanju medosebnih odnosov, še posebej globokih in intimnih. Po eni strani hrepenijo po ljubezni in sprejetosti, po drugi se ljudem izogibajo zaradi strahu pred odklonitvijo in kriticizmom. V primeru psihičnih dekompenzacij so nagnjeni k anksioznosti, depresiji in socialni fobiji. Zaradi svojih osebnih značilnosti težko vstopijo v intenzivnejši terapevtski odnos. V tem prispevku predstavljam enoletno psihoterapevtsko obravnavo bolnice z bojazljivostno osebnostno motnjo. Zaključki. Značilnosti osebnostne motnje se zrcalijo tudi v samem psihoterapevtskem procesu, zato obstaja nevarnost nenadne prekinitve obravnave. Ker je odnos med terapevtom in bolnikom ključnega pomena, je obravnava transferja v ospredju terapevtskega dela. Če bolnik tak intimen odnos vzdrži, lahko dobi dragocene izkušnje za vzpostavljanje odnosa zunaj terapevtske situacije. Zato menim, da je lahko analitično usmerjen proces, ki je usmerjen v ključen bolnikov problem-v odnos in transfer (vedenje in vsa čustva, ki jih bolnik usmeri proti terapevtu), terapija izbire za nekatere bolnike z omenjeno osebnostno motnjo kljub priporočilom iz literature, ki predlagajo bolj pokrivajoče tehnike.