Author/Editor     Ravnik, Igor M
Title     Zdravljenje epilepsije pri otrocih in mladostnikih v Sloveniji
Translated title     Treatment of pediatric and adolescent epilepsy in Slovenia
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. Suppl 10
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 35-43
Language     slo
Abstract     Based on public health statistics and the author's experience and research, the author attempts to assess the managemeni of pediatric and adolescent epilepsy in Slovenia at present anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs), diet, psychosocial help/therapy and rehabilitation and surgery are used. All AEDs are available free of charge aud the provision of drugs is quite reliable; rectal diazepam is available but has not yet been registered. Preliminary results allow for the assumption that medical treatment with AEDs may beless effective than desired. A ketogenic diet can be used. Surgery for epilepsy is not performed in Slovenia. These patients are referred for surgery abroad and the cost of the procedure is covered by the Institute of National Health Insurance, although less often than professionally warranted due to gaps in pre-surgical management. Various forms of psychosocial help have been developed. No systematic data exist that permit estimates of how much clients utilize this help. Significant differences among health districts in AED prescription patterns may suggest that similar differences may also exist in other areas of epilepsy management. Comparisons with several Central and Eastern European countries show that Slovenia is lagging behind in the field of pre-surgical diagnosis and surgical treatment of patients with the most severe epilepsy. Organisational and managerial support to the profession is a much needed prerequisite if the comprehensive management of epilepsy is to develop and more efficient treatment be offered to the population with epilepsy in Slovenia, thus fulfilling the aims of the Global Campaign against Epilepsy (quality of care) and WHO (equality of care).
Summary     Iz javnozdravstvenih statističnih podatkov, izkušenj in raziskav avtor ocenjuje, kako v Sloveniji zdravimo otroke in mladostnike z epilepsijo s protiepileptičnimi zdravili (PEZ), kirurško in z dietami, in kakšne oblike pomoči so na voljo za težave na psihosocialnem področju. Na voljo so vsa sodobna PEZ, oskrba je večinoma redna, zdravila so uvrščena na pozitivno listo; diazepam v rektalni obliki je dosegljiv, a še ni registriran. Na voljo je zdravljenje s ketogeno dieto. Razvite so raznovrstne oblike psihosocialne pomoči. Sistematičnih podatkov o tem, koliko in kateri uporabniki jih koristijo, nimamo. Velike medregijske razlike v predpisovanju protiepileptičnih zdravil nakazujejo možnost, da obstajajo med zdravstvenimi regijami velike razlike tudi pri drugih vrstah strokovne pomoči. Doslej zbrani podatki kažejo na možnost; da je zdravljenje s PEZ manj aktivno, kot bi bilo strokovno zaželeno. Kirurško zdravljenje epilepsije v državi ni razvito. Bolniki odhajajo na stroške ZZZS v tujino; zaradi nerazvite predkirurške diagnostike redkeje, kot bi bilo potrebno. Primerjave kažejo, da Slovenija na tem področju zaostaja za srednjeevropskimi državami. Stroka bi ob ustreznejši organizacijski in poslovni podpori lahko razvila celostno obravnavo otrok in mladostnikov z epilepsijo ter povečala uspešnost zdravljenja. Tako bi se približali ciljem Svetovne akcije proti epilepsiji (kakovostna celostna obravnava oseb z epilepsijo) in Svetovne zdravstvene organizacije (enakost obravnav).
Descriptors     EPILEPSY