Author/Editor     Grošelj, Jože
Title     Epilepsija in vozniška sposobnost
Translated title     Epilepsy and driving ability
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. Suppl 10
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 71-5
Language     slo
Abstract     Epilepsy has a negative impact on driving ability. There is some risk of causing a traffic accident due to a sudden loss of consciousness, as well as due to various somatosensory and motor symptoms. However, the risk is relatively low. According to some statistical data only about 0.25% of all traffic accidents are due to an epileptic attack at the wheel, which is very small when compared with the number of accidents caused by drunkenness. Traffic regulations in the West have become increasingly more liberal, in accordance with new medical findings. In Slovenia the traffic regulations of the former Yugoslavia are still in force, but new regulations are expected to be adopted soon, according to which Group One drivers (non-professional drivers) will be permitted to drive irrespeaive of being on anti-epileptic therapy, but on condition that they have been seizure-free for at least two years. For Group Two, the permanent ban on driving, with some exceptions, remains in force.
Summary     Epilepsija negativno vpliva na vozniško sposobnost in predstavlja določeno tveganje za povzročitev prometnih nezgod zaradi nenadne motnje zavesti, pa tudi zaradi motnje v senzorno-motorični sferi. Tveganje pa je vendarle razmeroma majhno. Po statističnih podatkih je bilo zaradi epilepsije le okoli četrt odstotka vseh promemih nezgod, kar je zelo malo v primerjavi s številom nezgod, ki jih je povzročila vinjenost za volanom. Prometne zakonodaje na Zahodu se liberalizirajo v skladu z novimi medicinskimi spoznanji. V Republiki Sloveniji je še veljavna zakonodaja bivše SFRJ iz l.1982, vendar pa je kmalu pričakovati nov prometni pravilnik, ki bo nepoklicnim voznikom dovoljeval vožnjo kljub aktualnemu zdravljenju. Pogoj bo dvoletno obdobje brez napadov. Za poklicne voznike ostaja razen nekaj izjem še naprej v veljavi trajna prepoved vožnje.
Descriptors     EPILEPSY