Author/Editor     Molan, Marija
Title     Možnost zaposlovanja v modernih delovnih okoljih
Translated title     Employment opportunities in modern working environments
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. Suppl 10
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 77-81
Language     slo
Abstract     Characteristic of the current situation is a shift in employment opportunities towards the service sector, the software industry and automated production processes. In working environments which carry large risks for people and the environment the selection criteria for employment are very high and are defined in state regulations. In computerized production processes, there is a possibility of employing persons with certain health problems, though naturally it entails certain modifications and reorganization of the workplace. Good employment opportunities are found in public maintenance services. Special maintenance work involving a large degree of risk requires healthy workers. There are also various employment opportunities in the software industry, which vary according to the placing of the task within the software life-cycle. New opportunities are also seen in educational, social and tourist services. The employment opportunities presented depend on timely professional orientation with respect to an individual's health problems. The timely harmonization of an individual's abilities and desires and the requirements of the workplace will enable individuals to be oriented towards adequate professions. Individuals can only be successful at work if they can function in appropriate working environments; then the work can be performed without limitation or exhaustion and without endangering anyone.
Summary     Za današnji čas je značilen pomik zaposlitvenih možnosti v storitvene dejavnosti in v industrijo programske opreme. V delovnih okoljih, kjer so tveganja za ljudi in okolico zelo velika, so zelo visoki selekcijski kriteriji. Običajno so zahteve in selekcijski kriteriji opredeljeni v državnih predpisih. V robotiziranih proizvodnih procesih je možnost za zaposlitev delavcev z zdravstvenimi težavami ob nekaterih reorganizacijah in prilagoditvah delovnega okolja. Dobre zaposlitvene možnosti so v splošnih storitvenih dejavnostih. Posebno zahtevna vzdrževalna dela zahtevajo zdrave delavce. Zaposlitvene možnosti so zelo različne v industriji programske opreme. Odvisne so od pozicije dela v življenjskem ciklu programa. Nove priložnosti se ponujajo v izobraževanju, socialnih in turističnih dejavnostih. Predstavljene zaposlitvene možnosti so odvisne od pravočasne poklicne usmeritve posameznika glede na njegove zdravstvene težave. Pravočasna uskladitev posameznikovih zmožnosti, želja in zahteve dela ter poklica omogoča ustrezno poklicno usmeritev posameznika. V ustreznem delovnem okolju bo posameznik učinkovit. Delo bo lahko opravljal brez izčrpanosti, brez omejitev, in ne da bi kogar koli ogrožal.
Descriptors     EMPLOYMENT