Author/Editor     Poklukar, J
Title     Effect of varroa infestation of freeze killed brood on the hygienic behaviour of carniolan honey bee (Apis mellifera carnica) - results of field assay
Translated title     Vpliv prisotnosti varoe (Varroa jacobsoni oud.) v zamrznjeni čebelji zalegi na čistilno vedenje kranjske čebele (Apis mellifera carnica)
Type     članek
Source     Slov Vet Res
Vol. and No.     Letnik 37, št. 4
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 233-40
Language     eng
Abstract     Field trials were conducted to study the honeybee hygienic behaviour on a group of 24 colonies of autochthonous Carniolan bee (A. mellifera carnica) in Slovenia in August 1999. Pieces of freeze killed bee brood had already been naturally infested by varroa mite - mean value was 0.25 +- 0.31 mites per bee cell (% of FKVIBC). Hygienic behaviour of bee colonies (HB %) was 84.53 % +- 15.15 %, and was significantly influenced by the presence of varroa mites: HB % = 76.8397 + 0.47924 * (% of FKVJBC) - 0.00357 * (% of FKV/BC)2. Hygienic behaviour of bees was the most intensive at the value of 0.7 varroa mite per freeze killed bee brood cell. Two months after hygienic field assay the varroa mite hive population (VHPA) was consequently in positive relation with the hygienic behaviour of bees: VHPA=395.26+16.74*HB %. As for the use of results obtained during honey bee hygienic behaviour field assay some precautions should be taken if they are used as the only criteria for selection of varroa resistant bees.
Summary     Poskus analize čistilnega vedenja čebel smo izvedli v skupini 24 čebeljih družin avtohtone kranjske pasme (A. mellifera carnica) v Sloveniji v avgustu 1999. Kosi usmrčene čebelje zalege so bili že poprej naravno napadeni z varoami, in sicer 0.25 +- 0.31 varoj na satno celico (% FKV/BC). Čistilno vedenje čebeljih družin (HB%) je bilo 84.53 % +- 15.15 % in je bilo statistično značilno pogojeno s prisotnostjo varoe HB% = 76.8397 + 0.47924 * (% FKV/BC) - 0.00357 * (% FKV/BC)2. Čistilno vedenje čebel je bilo najbolj izrazito pri vrednosti 0.7 varoe na čebelji bubi v satni celici. Ćtevilo varoj v panju (VHPA) je bilo posledično ocenjeno z regresijo VHPA = 395.26 + 16.74 * HB %. Uporaba rezultatov testa čistilnega vedenja pri selekciji čebel je lahko nezanesljiva, če jih uporabljamo kot edini kriterij za selekcijo čebel, odpornejših na varozo.
Descriptors     BEES