Author/Editor     Oravecz, Robert
Title     Znanstvene kontroverze v slovenski suicidologiji 80-ih let
Translated title     The scientific controversies in Slovenian suicidology in the 80's
Type     članek
Source     Anthropos
Vol. and No.     Letnik 32, št. 3-4
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 77-94
Language     slo
Abstract     The article represents the scientific-philosophical foundations for understanding of how social sciences are functioning. In particular, it is about the phenomenon of the scientific revolution and generally excepted scientific conceptions, with which the relations among the scientific paradigms are explained. The theory of linguistic pragmatics may serve as a quite adequate scientific frame for understanding of scientific controversies, which appear spontaneously among the scientists. One of these controversies between the two Slovenian suicidologists in the 80's, arguing for two different paradigms, will be represented here. The author also tries to answer the questions about the results and the consequences of this scientific controversy, analysing the primary scientific text.
Summary     Avtor predstavi znanstveno filozofsko osnovo za razumevanje delovanje disciplin družbenih znanosti. Še posebej se ukvarja s fenomenom znanstvene revolucije in predstavi že uveljavljene znanstvene koncepte, ki pojasnjujejo odnose med znanstvenimi paradigmami. Teorija lingvistične pragmatike je še posebej ustrezen znanstveni okvir za razumevanje znanstvenih kontroverz; ki se samoumevno pojavijo med pripadniki znanstvene skupnosti. Avtor predstavi eno od teh kontroverz, ki se je pojavila v 80-ih letih med dvema slovenskima suicidologoma, ki sta pripadala različnim paradigmam. Ob predstavitvi primarnega znanstvenega teksta avtor poskuša odgovoriti tudi na vprašanja o posledicah in konsekvencah opisane znanstvene kontroverze.
Descriptors     PSYCHIATRY