Author/Editor     Mlinarič-Raščan, Irena
Title     Molekularni vidiki programirane celične smrti
Translated title     Molecular basis of a programmed cell death
Type     članek
Source     Farm Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 51, št. 2
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 295-9
Language     slo
Abstract     Cell death is a complex biochemical event, well programmed and encoded in the genome. Molecular basis of the induction of apoptosis varies immensely ranging from the cell-cell interaction to the DNA damage. The signal transduction molecules that become dysfunctional due to the somatic or inherited genetic disorders may as well trigger apoptosis. Any of the mentioned signals induces one of the following three mechanisms, (a) ligation of death receptors, (b) activation of p53 dependent mechanism, or (c) induction of the perforin/granzyme B mechanism. The main effectors of apoptosis are cysteine proteinases called caspases, which are responsible for degradation of several regulatory proteins as well as cell components leading into inhibition of DNA regeneration and replication, and RNA processing. Furthermore, caspases enable DNA fragmentation and ceil matrix destruction. Understanding of molecular mechanisms of the programmed cell death enables targeting intervention and modulation of a cell fate, which is of immense importance in designing a strategy for the cure of diseases resulting from the malfunctioning of apoptosis such as immune disorders and cancerogenesis.
Summary     Apoptoza je visoko specializiran in kompleksen biokemičen proces, natančno programiran in kodiran v celičnem genskem zapisu. Indukcija apoptoze je lahko posledica medcelične komunikacije, poškodbe DNA, kakor tudi nepravilnega delovanja molekul v verigi prenosa signala, čemur so lahko vzrok somatske in dedne genske motnje. Različni dražljaji vzbudijo enega izmed treh mehanizmov aktivacije celi*ne destrukcije; (a) indukcijo smrtonosnih receptorjev, (b) indukcijo mehanizma p53 ter (c) delovanje sistema perforin/grancim B. Glavni izvrševalci celične smrti so kaspaze, to so cisteinske proteinaze, ki kontrolirajo kritične biološke procese z mehanizmom specifične proteolize. Proteoliza je stopenjski proces, odgovoren za razgradnjo regulatomih encimov, kar onemogoči regeneracijo in replikacijo DNA ter procesiranje RNA, vodi tudi v razgradnjo DNA ter razgradnjo celičnega matriksa. Razumevanje molekulamih mehanizmov celične smrti omogoča ciljano načrtovanje intervencije in vpliv na usodo celice, kar je izredenega pomena pri načrtovanju terapije pri patologijah imunskega sistema ter malignih tvorb, ki so posledica nepravilne apoptoze.
Descriptors     APOPTOSIS