Author/Editor     Jenko-Burgar, Marija
Title     Stres
Translated title     Stress
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. 11-12
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 292-9
Language     slo
Abstract     Stress is an uniformed response of the organism to all causes, that threaten its biological, psychological and social integrity. The causative agent is called "stressor" and it can be either physical-chemical or psychological-emotional by nature. Sensitivity to stress depends from personality and is formed already during early childhood. Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and hormones: adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol have the most important role in stress response. Under fhe influence of autonomic nervous system and hormones the human organism is prepared for "fight or flight". If neither is possible in the given situation, the unused accumulated energy of the human organism causes irregularities in organ functioning and numerous diseases. Cardiovascular system, digestive organs and muscles and joints are the most often affected. Behavioural changes, emotional problems and thinking disorders occur. There are four levels of defense against stress. On the first level we try to mitigate the stressor, on the second level we do not allow the stressor to cause the stress. Once all the symptoms are present, we try to mitigate them through relaxation techniques. However, if stress eventually does lead to an illness, its development and consequences can be slowed down by a healthy lifestyle. In any case, it is better to prevent stress than to treat it.
Summary     Stres je uniformni odgovor organizma na vse vzroke, ki ogrožajo njegovo biološko, psihološko in socialno integriteto. Dejavnik, ki v organizmu povzroči stres, imenujemo stresor, ki je lahko fizično-kemičen ali pa psihično-čustven. Dovzetnost za stres je odvisna od osebnosti človeka, ki se oblikuje že v zgodnjem otroštvu. Najpomembnejšo vlogo pri stresnem odgovoru imata živca simpatikus in parasimpatikus ter hormoni adrenalin, noradrenalin in kortizol. Pod vplivom avtonomnega živčnega sistema in hormonov je človekov organizem pripravljen na spopad ali beg. Če pa to v dani situaciji ni možno, se zaradi neizkoriščene nakopičene energije v človekovem organizmu pojavijo nepravilnosti v delovanju organov in številne bolezni. Najpogosteje so prizadeti srčnožilni sistem, prebavila, mišice in sklepi. Pojavijo se vedenjske spremembe, čustvene težave in motnje mišljenja. Na razpolago imamo štiri ravni boja proti stresu. Na prvi poskusimo omiliti stresor, na drugi pa ne dovolimo, da stresor povzroči stres. Ko pa imamo že vse znake stresa, poskusimo le-te omiliti s tehnikami, ki človeka sprostijo. Če pa stres že pripelje do bolezni, naj bi z zdravim načinom življenja upočasnili njen razvoj in posledice. Vsekakor pa je bolje preprečiti kot zdraviti.