Author/Editor     Proulx, Gary M; Hurd, Thelma; Lee, R Jeffrey; Stomper, Paul C; Podgorsak, Matthew B; Edge, Stephen B
Title     Intraoperative radiation therapy (IORT) to the tumor bed only for breast cancer: technique and outcome
Translated title     Intraoperativno obsevanje (IORT) ležišča tumorja pri karcinomu dojke
Type     članek
Source     Radiol Oncol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 35, št. 1
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 35-41
Language     eng
Abstract     Background. Recent published reports have demonstrated that not all patients with early stage breast cancer need the entire breast irradiated for local control of their disease. To address the difficulties of several weeks of irradiation treatment, investigators have utilized different radiation techniques and treatment schedules that reduce the overall treatment time without compromising outcome. Patients and methods. An analysis was made of 7 patients treated on protocol with local intraoperative radiation (IORT) alone to the lumpectomy site after surgery with or without axillary dissection. All patients received IORT with 120 kV x-rays to the tumor bed at the time of resection. Doses ranged from 1500 cGy to 2000 cGy. Three patients were stage I, two stage IIA, and two stage IIB. Results. With a mean follow up of 123 months (range 86 to 139 months), two of seven patients developed a local recurrence which were treated with mastectomy. The disease specific survival is 100% and overall survival is 86% with one patient being dead without disease. The cosmetic outcome of the 5 patients with their treated breast remaining have expressed satisfaction with the results. No treatment related complications have occurred. Conclusions. The results of our pilot study support the findings that not all patients with early stage breast cancer need the entire breast irradiated for durable local control of their disease. However, patient numbers in this study are low and any conclusions need further evaluation with larger trials.
Summary     Izhodišča. Bolnice z zgodnjo obliko raka dojke imajo manj ponovitev bolezni, če jih postoperativno obsevamo. Takšno zdravljenje pa je dolgotrajno, zato novejše raziskave iščejo tiste skupine bolnic, ki ne bodo potrebovale postoperativnega obsevanja celotne dojke, ampak bi jih zdravili drugače. Razvili so različne oblike obsevanja, ki omogočijo enako dobre lokalne kontrole bolezni. Bolniki in metode. Avtorji so analizirali 7 bolnic, ki so bile zdravljene z lokalnim intraoperativnim obsevanjem (IORT) ob lumpektomiji. Pri večini so tudi operativno odstranili aksilarne bezgavke. Vse bolnice so bile obsevane v času operacije na ležišče tumorja s 120 kV rentgenskimi žarki. Tumorska doza je bila od 1500 cGy do 2000 cGy. Tri bolnice so imele stadij I bolezni, dve stadij IIA in dve stadij IIB. Rezultati. Srednja doba sledenja je bila 123 mesecev (od 86 do 139 mesecev), pri dveh od sedmih bolnic se je pojavil lokalni recidiv, ki je bil zdravljen z mastektomijo. Preživetje, ki je bilo povezano z osnovno boleznijo, je bilo 100%, celokupno preživetje pa 86%, ker je ena bolnica umrla, vendar brez znakov malignoma. Pet bolnic je bilo zadovoljnih s kozmetičnim učinkom takšnega zdravljenja. Niso zasledili zapletov, ki bi bili povezani z IORT. Zaključki. Tudi rezultati te pilotske študije kažejo, da ni potrebno vsem bolnicam z zgodnjo obliko raka dojke postoperativno obsevati celotne dojke. Zaradi majhnega števila bolnic pa ni moč narediti zaključkov, zato pa so potrebne klinične študije na večjem številu bolnic.
Descriptors     BREAST NEOPLASMS