Author/Editor     Primožič, Stanislav; Kos, Mitja; Pečar-Čad, Silva; Lipovec, Katja
Title     Farmakoepidemiološka analiza porabe antidepresivov v Sloveniji
Translated title     Pharmacoepidemiologic analysis of the use of antidepressants in Slovenia
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 40, št. 1-2
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 81-6
Language     slo
Abstract     The use of antidepressants (AD) according to the ATC classification was surveyed along with monitoring of particular drugs within the therapeutic-pharmacologic-chemical subgroups. In ambulatory care, the most utilized are the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors which show a positive usage trend. The class of tricyclic antidepressants whose use nowadays is decreasing, is taking the second place. The use of this class has not changed in terms of DDD/1000 inhabitants/day, however its fraction, relative to the overall use of antidepressants, has diminished due to the increase of the latter. Lower use is observed in the "other antidepressants" group and in the reversible monoamino oxidase type A inhibitors class.Among psychiatric hospitals Begunje, Idrija and (Ljubljana) Polje we found no significant differences in the pharmacotherapeutics of depression. Moreover, the majority of the 9,3 DDD/1000 inhabitants/day were prescribed in the ambulatory care, and only 0,4 DDD/1000 inhabitants/day to the patients in hospitals. This finding is in agreement with the current trends in international pharmacotherapy of psychiatric disorders. Obtained projection of the overall Ad use in Slovenia in 1999 was substantially lower than the use in Norway in the same year, namely 9,7:36,1 DDD/1000 inhabitants/day. Differences could be interpreted in several ways, however, we believe that the main contributing factor is the underdiagnosing of depression in Slovenia. In order to perform national pharmacoepidemiologic analyses in this country, a centralized hospital and self-medication drug utilization system should be implemented along with the existing ambulatory care drug surveillance system.
Summary     Zasledovali smo porabo antidepresivov (AD) po razredih ATC klasifikacijskega sistema ter porabo posameznih učinkovin znotraj razredov. Ambulantno se največ uporabljajo antidepresivi razreda selektivnih zaviralcev ponovnega privzema serotonina, ki imajo pozitiven trend porabe. Razred tricikličnih antidepresivov, ki se danes vse bolj opušča, je pri nas na drugem mestu. Poraba le-teh se v vrednostih DDD/1000 preb./dan ni spremenila, zato pa je padel njen delež glede na celotno porabo antidepresivov, ki je v zadnjih letih večja. Nizko porabo imata razreda "ostali" in reverzibni inhibitorji monoaminooksidaze vreste A. Med psihiatričnimi bolnišnicami Begunje, Idrija ter Polje ni značilnih razlik v farmakoterapiji depresije. Sicer je večina AD pri nas predpisanih ambulantno 9,3 DDD/1000 preb./dan in le majhen delež 0,4 DDD/1000 preb./dan je bil predpisan depresivnim bolnikom, ki se zdravijo v bolnišnicah, kar ustreza sodobni doktrini zdravljenja psihiatričnih bolezni. Ocena celokupne projicirane porabe AD v Sloveniji v letu 1999 je precej manjša kot poraba na Norveškem v istem letu, in sicer 9,7 : 36,1 DDD/1000 preb./dan. Razlike smo skušali pojasniti na več načinov, vendar menimo, da k razliki največ prispeva poddiagnosticiranje depresije pri nas. Za izvajanje farmakoepidemioloških analiz pri nas bi bilo nujno uvesti usterzno spremljanje porabe zdravil v bolnišnicah in pri samozdravljenju.