Author/Editor     Urbančič, Klaudia
Title     Teoretična izhodišča in načrt akcijske raziskave procesa zdravstveno vzgojnega svetovanja staršem
Translated title     Theoretical foundations and plan of action research of the process of health education counseling to parents
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 35, št. 1-2
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 5-11
Language     slo
Abstract     The article presents part of the results of action research study of the process of counseling to parents of prematurely born children. The work deals with the feelings of parents upon birth of a prematurely born children in Ljubljana maternity hospital in the Unit for Intensive Care and Therapy of the Newborn Children. The significance of health promotion, health education and helath education counseling to parents of prematurely born children is stressed. The purpose of the research work was to introduce change in the practice of nursing care in the form of permanent health education counseling to parents. In the results part of the article, action research of the process and introduction of changes in the intensive care unit are presented.In the authors opinion, the transfer of the program into practice was successful.
Summary     V prispevku je predstavljen del rezultatov akcije raziskave procesa zdravstveno vzgojnega svetovanja staršem prezgodaj rojenih otrok. Delo obravnava doživljanje staršev ob rojstvu prezgodaj rojenih otrok v Porodnišnici Ljubljana v Enoti za intenzivno nego in terapijo novorojenčkov. Predstavljen je pomen promocije zdravja, zdravstvene vzgoje in zdravstveno vzgojnega svetovanja staršem prezgodaj rojenih otrok. Namen raziskave je vpeljati spremembo v prakso zdravstvene nege. Sprememba je stalno izvajanje zdravstveno vzgojnega svetovanja staršem. V rezultatih je predstavljena akcijska raziskava procesa in uvajanje spremembe v intenzivni enoti. Avtorica ocenjuje, da je bil program uspešno uveden v prakso.
Descriptors     PARENTS