Author/Editor     Slabe, Damjan; Lovrec, Ksenija
Title     Tabori "Mladi za zdravje"
Translated title     Camps "Youth for health"
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 35, št. 1-2
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 37-44
Language     slo
Abstract     The article describes the concept as well as some experiences gained by the camps called "Youth for Health", a form of preventive efforts aiming to reveal the meaning of life to the young as well as to raise its quality. As a part of the primary preventive activities, the project focuses on the population in secondary schools (i.e. aged 15-19). The idea of this type of camps is based upon logotheoretical conceptions of both, man and preventive care. The project combines the work of experts, i.e. a nurse, with the endeavours of volunteers. The first part of the article presents camps as places where health care education takes place. It is followed by the argumentation of their concept based upon logotheoretical conceptions of preventive care, considering the values and needs of the young as well. The practical part is illustrated by the example of a camp, emphasizing every single stage of its organisation that comprises the following: launching information, recruiting volunteers and participants, educating and monitoring the former, as well as evaluation, documentation and funding of the project. The conclusion, however, points out some of potential prospects of the project in future.
Summary     V članku je predstavljena zamisel in nekatere izkušnje projekta taborov "Mladi za zdravje" kot preventivnega prizadevanja za odkrivanje smisla in dvigovanje kakovosti življenja mladih. Projekt posega na primarno področje preventivnega delovanja in je namenjen srednješolski populaciji. Zamisel taborov se naslanja na logoteoretsko razumevanje človeka in preventive. V projektu se dopolnjujejo delo strokovnjaka / strokovnjakinje -profesorja / profesorice zdravstvene vzgoje in prizadevanja prostovoljcev / prostovoljk. V prvem poglavju je prikazan tabor kot prostor vzgoje za zdravje. Sledi utemeljitev zamisli taborov z logoteoretskimi pogledi na preventivo in upoštevanje vrednot in potreb mladih. Kot praktični del je predstavljen primer tabora "Mladi za zdravje" od priprave do izvedbe, s poudarkom na vseh fazah oblikovanja tabora: obveščanje, pridobivanje prostovoljcev / prostovoljk in deležencev / udeleženk, usposabljanje in vodenje prostovoljcev / prostovoljk, evalviranje, dokumentiranje in financiranje. V sklepu članka so zapisane nekatere možne perspektive projekta-taborov "Mladi za zdravje" v prihodnje.
Descriptors     HEALTH EDUCATION