Author/Editor     Čačinovič-Vogrinčič, Gabi
Title     Socialno delo z otroki in mladoletniki med pomočjo in prisilo
Translated title     Social work with children and juveniles between assistance and coercion
Type     članek
Source     In: Šelih A. Prestopniško in odklonsko vedenje mladih - vzroki, pojavi, odzivanje. Ljubljana: Bonex,
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 77-88
Language     slo
Abstract     The article presents the contribution of social work in solving complex psychosocial problems of children and youth with deviant behavior. Help means mobilizing and/or organizing social networks involving all those who are able or willing to make new experiences and new learning possible in a safe and stimulating environment. Effective help is defined by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child such that projects have to ensure safety, healthy development protection, provision of appropriate services and children participating,in key decisions concerning them. In every day life improvement would mean accepted dialogue and cooperation, agreed and learned changes in behavior, self- esteem and respect of others. In the helping; process, family social work has the aim of creating a working relationship with families to investigate resource to discover strength and power. The family can be an important context for good changes, but there is often need for support, new learning, links to self-help groups. The last chapter presents an effective model of social work with families: creating a social work working relationship with. the family that respects its uniqueness, linking with a network of professionals, providing complementary supporting services that make real choices and changes possible. Help defined by social work promotes dialogue and cooperation, possible and agreed solutions elaborated in working relationships, the empowerment of children and youth thus creating good possibilities for them in everyday life. Constraint concerns us, the professionals: our responsibilty to set up projects, to find ways to address children and youth and motivate coqperation; to find people for the necessary networks.