Author/Editor     Zorn, Branko; Majdič, Gregor
Title     Ali je modo ogrožen organ
Translated title     Is the testis an organ at risk
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. 3
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 305-12
Language     slo
Abstract     There were some studies reporting an increasing incidence of testicular cancer and genitourinary abnormalities such as cryptorchidism and hypospadias whereas human sperm quality is declining. Over the last decades, there has been growing concern about the threat to human health represented by chemicals and radioactive materials introduced to the environment. In fact, testicular damage may result of the action of deleterious lifestyle factors such as the use of alcohol or drugs as well as wearing tight underwear. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that psychosocial factors such as stress and socio-economic problems may also affect reproductive function. Some authors suggest the long term exposition to pesticides, because of their estrogenic or antiandrogenic action, may explain all these abnormalities. In Slovenia, significant changes in sperm quality occurred among a population of young healthy men. luring the time period 1983-1996 rapid progressive motilitydecreased and we observed lower sperm concentration among men born between 1950 and 1960. Moreover, during the shortterm war for independence in july 1991, we found sperm motility decreased. The causes of such deteriorations are not well-established. However not all the researchers have found changes and in the same country regional differences may exist. These modifications need to be analyzed in large multicentric studies using the same methodologies, Firstly to better understand the extent of the problem and their underlying aetiologies, secondly to oppose them the right prevention or treatment. Although in humans a negative change in sperm quality does not mean automatically that it is a greater threat for fertility, we can expect that it can result at long term in some state of subfertility which supposes that increasing numbers of couples may have troubles to conceive and may require medical assistance, with its attendant psychological, economical and social costs.
Summary     Nekatere študije poročajo o večji pojavnosti raka mod in drugih napak spolovil in izločil, kot so retinirano modo in hipospadija, medtem ko kakovost semena pada. V zadnjih letih so kemikalije in radioaktivne snovi zbujale veliko pozornost zaradi svojega morebitnega negativnega vpliva na človekovo zdravje. Vemo tudi, da poškodba moda lahko nastane zaradi neprimernega načina življenja alkohol,mamila in preveč stisnjena oblačila. Dokazali so tudi, da na reproduktivno funkcijo negativno vplivajo psihosocialni dejavniki, kot so stres in družbeno-ekonomski problemi. Nekateri avtorji menijo, da je lahko dolgotrajna izpostavljenost pesticidom zaradi njihovega estragenskega oziroma antiandrogenskega delovanja vzrok vseh teh nepravilnosti. V Sloveniji smo s študijo normalnih spermiogramov pri mladih in zdravih moških ugotovili pomenljive spremembe semena v obdobju 1983-1996. Prišlo je do padca hitre gibljivosti semenčic. Prav tako smo opazili manjšo koncentracijo semenčic pri moških, rojenih v obdobju 1950-1960. V času vojne za osamosvojitev Slovenije (julij 1991) pa smo ugotovili slabšo gibljivost semenčic. Vzroki teh poslabšanj še niso ugotovljeni. Vendar ne najdejo vsi raziskovalci negativnih sprememb in v posameznih državah lahko obstajajo regionalne razlike. Potrebujemo prospektivne študije z istimi metodologijami, ki bi analizirale omenjene napake. Stem bi bolje razumeli razširjenost problemov in si razložili vzroke. Študije bi bile koristne, saj bi izsledki omogočili preventivo oz. zdravljenje. Negativne spremembe semena pri moškem ne pomenijo, da bo imel zagotovo težave s plodnostjo. Lahko pričakujemo, da bo postal prej ali slej manj ploden, kar pomeni, da bo vedno več parov imelo težave pri zanositvi in bo potrebovalo pomoč zdravnikov To predstavlja psihološki napor; pa tudi ekonomsko in socialno obremenitev.