Author/Editor     Ogrin, Maja
Title     Logopedska obravnava bolnikov s Parkinsonovo boleznijo
Translated title     Logopedic treatment of patients with Parkinson's disease
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. 3
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 313-7
Language     slo
Abstract     Parkinson's disease is a degenerative neurological disease progressing by affecting the abilities of communication (verbal, non-verbal, written). These disorders are present in a half to three-fourths of patients. Parkinson's disease is frequently accompanied by disorders of swallowing, observed in about 50% of patients. It is often combined with numerous other disorders such as: difficult reading, memorizing problems, rapid fatigue; disturbed motor activity of the dominant hand, and similar, all of which puts further strain on the already difficult communication and swallowing. The basic goal of logapedic treatment is to maintain and activate the affected abilities, therewith moderating the social isolation of these patients. At the Institute for Rehabilitation in Ljubljana the logopedic treatment of Parkinsonian patients makes part of the programs of complex rehabilitation (physiotherapy, occupational therapy, psychological and social treatment etc.). The speech therapist coordinates his work with other members of the team and collaborates with the patient's family
Summary     Parkinsonova bolezen je degenerativna nevrološka bolezen, ki pri svojem napredovanju pogosto prizadene sposobnosti sporazumevanja (verbalnega, neverbalnega, pisnega). Te motnje so prisotne pri polovici oziroma pri treh četrtinah bolnikov. Pogost spremljevalec te bolezni so tudi motnje požiranja: opazimo jih pri približno 54% bolnikov. Parkinsonovo bolezen lahko spremljajo tudi številne druge motnje, kot so: oteženo branje, motnje pomnjenja, hitra utrudljivost, motena motorika dominantne roke in podobno. Te motnje dodatno otežujejo tako sporazumevanje kot tudi požiranje bolnika. Osnovni cilj logopedske obravnave je vzdrževanje in vzpodbujanje prizadetih sposobnosti in s tem zmanjševanje socialne osamitve teh bolnikov. Na Inštitutu RS za rehabilitacijo poteka logopedska obravnava bolnikov s Parkinsonovo boleznijo v okviru programov kompleksne rehabilitacije (fizioterapija, delovna terapija, psihološka in socialna obravnava, idr.). Poteka ob stalnem sodelovanju logopeda z drugimi člam strokovnega tima in bolnikovimi svojci.