Author/Editor     Jeren, Blaženka; Teržan, Metka
Title     Spremljanje zdravstvenega stanja delavcev
Translated title     Health state of employees - follow-up
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 155-74
Language     slo
Abstract     1. Data on occupational medicine and medicine relating to transport and sport was once again taken from the Report on the Work of the Occupational Medicine, Transport Medicine and Sports Medicine Service (Form No. 3-02-60), since reporting within the framework of Out-Patient Health Statistics is still incomplete. In 1999 we further expanded the possibilities of reporting on this sector, which will make it more interesting, although we were not yet able to show this data for the whole year. The number of health care staff this sector is slowly falling, while the number of employees per doctor still varies considerably from region to region, since the network in this sector is not being built systematically. It is interesting to note that the ratio of senior and middle-grade nurses to doctors in this sector is approaching the ideal ratio: 0.5 senior nurses and 1 middle-grade nurse per doctor. The highest number of preventive visits take place in the Nova Gorica region, and the lowest in the Ravne region. 2. Data on curative activity comes from Out-Patient Health Statistics. Analysis by insurance basis shows that the unemployed are the most frequent visitors to doctors, especially in the Celje region. Among the working population the prime reason for a visit to the doctor remains problems with the locomotor system (backache), while among farmers injuries and poisoning are still the main reason for visits. Among the unemployed, problems with the locomotor system are still by far the most common reason. 3. Injuries at work are defined by the Pensions and Disability Insurance Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 106/1999) as injuries which occur in the workplace, on the way to or from work and on business trips. The employer should report (Form ER-8) any accident resulting in the loss of at least one working day or death of the employee. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters)
Summary     1. Podatke o dejavnosti medicine dela, prometa in športa smo še vedno dopolnjevali iz Poročil o delu službe za medicino dela, prometa in športa (obr. štev. 3-02-60), ker je poročanje v okviru Zunajbolnišnične zdravstvene statistike še nepopolno. V letu 1999 smo možnosti poročanja o dejavnosti še razširili, z obiski in napotitvami kar bo naredilo poročanje o dejavnosti bolj zanimivo, vendar teh podatkov še nismo mogli prikazati za vse leto. Število zdravstvenih delavcev v dejavnosti medicine dela, prometa in športa (MDPŠ) počasi pada, preskrbljenost delavcev z zdravniki po zdravstvenih regijah je še vedno zelo neenakomerna, saj se mreža v tej dejavnosti ne gradi sistematično. Zanimivo je, da se razmerje med številom višjih in srednjih medicinskih sester na zdravnika približuje idealnemu razmerju: 0,5 VMS in 1 SMS na specialista MDPŠ. Največ preventivnih obiskov opravijo v regiji Nova Gorica, najmanj pa na Ravnah na Koroškem. 2. Podatki o kurativni dejavnosti so iz Zunajbolnišnične zdravstvene statistike. Analize po zavarovalnih podlagah kažejo, da je med brezposelnimi največ obiskov pri zdravnikih predvsem v regiji Celje. Pri delavcih so še vedno na prvem mestu kot razlog za obisk pri zdravniku težave z gibali (dorzalgia), pri kmetih pa so na prvem mestu kot razlog za obisk poškodbe in zastrupitve, pri brezposelnih pa spet močno prevladujejo bolezni gibal. 3. Poškodbe pri delu so po Zakonu o pokojninskem in invalidskem zavarovanju (Ur. I. RS št. 106/99) definirane kot poškodbe, ki se zgodijo na delovnem mestu, na poti z dela in na delo in na službeni poti. Prijavo na obrazcu ER-8 izpolni delodajalec ob nezgodi, ki povzroči vsaj en dan odsotnosti z dela ali delavčevo smrt. V letu 1999 je število prijavljenih poškodb pri delu na 1000 zaposlenih spet nekoliko nižje kot leta 1998. V tem letu je bilo tudi število umrlih zaradi poškodb pri delu nizko - 27 umrlih, kar predstavlja 0,3/100.000 zaposlenih. (Izvleček skrajšan pri 2000 znakih)