Author/Editor     Albreht, Tit; Prelog, Rista
Title     Organizacija zdravstvene dejavnosti
Translated title     Organisation of health care services
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. Suppl 1
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 303-45
Language     slo
Abstract     In 1999, there were no significant changes in the number of health professionals and public providers of health care. There is an ongoing trend of stagnation in the numbers of all key health professionals, namely physicians, dentists, pharmacists and nurses. There are some fluctuations, however, in the structure of non-health employees. This year, there was a better inclusion of statistics about physicians in the Ljubljana and Maribor regions (in both cases due to the two major hospitals) and a more adequate inclusion of statistics about physicians in specialty training. The Ižtter are shown in a slightly different way, which enables the reader to distinguish more clearly between physicians and pležtists on the one side and all other health professionals with specialties on the other. As far as providers of health care concerned, the privatisation of health services is ongoing and is most evident in the primary care sector. This is reflected in a decreasing number of health care facilities and, consequently, in a reduced number of health professionals in public health care institutions.
Summary     V letu 1999 ni prišlo do bistvenih sprememb v številu zdravstvenih delavcev iz izvajalcev zdravstvene dejavnosti. Nadaljuje se stagnacija števila vseh nosilnih zdravstvenih poklicev (zdravnikov, zobozdravnikov, farmacevtov in medicinskih sester), nekaj nihanja je le pri strukturi zajetja ostalega, tj. nezdravstvenega kadra. V letošnjem letu je bil opravljen boljši zajem zdravnikov v ljubljanski in mariborski regiji (na račun obeh največjih bolnišnic) in ustreznejši zajem specializantov. Slednje prikazujemo na malo drugačen način, kar omogoča boljšo preglednost med zdravniki in zobozdravniki na eni strani in ostalimi zdravstvenimi delavci s specializacijami na drugi strani. Kar zadeva izvajalce zdravstvene dejavnosti, se nadaljuje privatizacija predvsem v osnovni zdravstveni dejavnosti. To se kaže v zmanjševanju števila lokacij in posledično tudi števila zdravstvenih delavcev v javnih zavodih.
Descriptors     HEALTH SERVICES