Author/Editor     Finderle, Žare; Cankar, Ksenija
Title     Prikaz primera zdravljenja omrzlin s hiperbarično oksigenacijo - učinki na mikrocirkulacijo
Translated title     Case report: treatment of frostbite using hyperbaric oxygenation - effects on microcirculation
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 39, št. Suppl 11
Publication year     2000
Volume     str. 119-23
Language     slo
Abstract     In the case of an alpinist with frostbite on the toes, a laser-doppler meter was used to assess skin blood flow before and during hyperbaric oxygenation, and capillaroscopy was used to establish the number of visible nutritive skin capillaries before and immediately following hyperbaric oxygenation. Hyperbaric oxygenation is one of the recommended additional methods for the treatment of frostbite. On the unaffected foot ridge skin, a decrease in skin laser-doppler flow from 52 to 31 perfusion units was measured, while on the frostbitten skin of the toes an increase in the number of nutritive capillaries was found from 0-3/mm2 to 10-15/mm2. The results show that hyperbaric oxygenation can contribute to a reduction of spasms in the microcirculation of the affected skin even more than two weeks after the injury In all likelihood, this is due to a redistribution of blood to ischemic areas due to vasoconstriction in healthy tissues.
Summary     Pri alpinistu z omrzlinami prstov nog smo z laser-dopplerskim merilnikom ocenjevali kožni pretok pred hiperbarično oksigenacijo in med njo, s kapilaroskopijo pa število vidnih nutritivnih kožnih kapilar pred hiperbarično oksigenacijo in takoj po njej. Hiperbarična oksigenacija je ena ocžpredlaganih dodatnih metod za zdravljenje omrzlin. Na neprizadeti koži hrbtišča stopala smo izmerili padec kožnega laser-dopplerskega pretoka z 52 na 31 perfuzijskih enot, na omrzli koži na prstih pa povečanje števila nutritivnih kapilar z 0-3/mm2 na 10-15/mm2. Rezultati kažejo, da lahko hiperbarična oksigenacija prispeva k zmanjševanju spazmov v mikrožilju prizadete kože tudi še več kot dva tedna po poškodbi. Po vsej verjetnosti gre za prerazporeditev krvi v ishemične predele zaradi vazokonstrikcije v zdravih tkivih.
Descriptors     FROSTBITE