Author/Editor     Štabuc, Borut
Title     Zdravljenje raka trebušne slinavke z obsevanjem in kemoterapijo
Translated title     Chemotherapy and radiotherpay for pancreatic cancer
Type     članek
Source     Gastroenterolog
Vol. and No.     Letnik 5, št. 1
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 47-52
Language     slo
Abstract     Pancreatic cancer is one of the most lethal cancer, with an overall 5 year survival rate of less than 5%. Surgery represents the only means to provide cure to patients with pancreatic cancer, though the 5 year survival is less than 20%. At time of presentation the majority of patients have locally advanced or metastatic disease which makes them unamenable for curative surgery. No effective therapy guidelines have been established; for patients with pancreatic cancer. Although studies of adjuvant or neoadjuvant therapy suggest benefit, treatment protocols are far from being standardized. Adjuvant treatment postponed the incidence of recurrence during the first two years after surgery but it did not increase the cure rate. Chemoradiation therapy for locally advanced pancreatic,cancer offers limited benefits and may be used as definitive therapy. Gemcitabine alone or in combination with other agents seems to be the first agent that has demonstrated improvement of disease related symptoms and survival in metastatic pancreatic cancer. New treatment modalities such as like gene therapy, antianglogenic therapy, immunotherapy and more effective chemotherapies are needed to significantly improve outcomes.
Summary     Petletno preživetje bolnikov z rakom trebušne slinavke je manjše od 5%. Ob postavitvi diagnoze ima večina bolnikov lokalno napredovalo ali metastatsko bolezen. Po radikalni operaciji; ki je mogoča pri 20% bolnikov, le 20% bolnikov preživi pet let. Učinkovito, standardno zdravljenja s kemoterapijo in obsevanjem pri bolnikih z rakom trebušne slinavke ni znamo. Dopolnilno predoperativno ali pooperativno zdravljenje s kemoradioterapijo odloži ponovitev bolezni v prvih dveh letih po radikalni operaciji, ne podaljša pa 5-letnega preživetja. Kljub temu da kemoradioterapija pri lokalno napredovalem raku ni posebej učinkovita, se priporoča kot standardno zdravljenje takih bolnikov. Gemcitabin sam ali v kombinaciji z drugimi kemoterapevtiki lahko izboljša kakovost življenja in preživetje bolnikov z metastatskim rakom. Prognozo bolnikov z rakom trebušne slinavke lahko izboljšajo le novi načini sistemskega zdravljenja ter genska in imunska zdravljenja.