Author/Editor     Zajc, I; Kus, M
Title     Populacijska struktura Dalmatincev in Istrskih goničev ter njihovi evolicijski odnosi z nekaterimi drugimi pasmami, kot jih nakazujejo polimorfni mikrosateliti
Translated title     Population structure of Dalmatians and Istrian shorthaired hounds and their evolutionary relationships to some other breeds as revealed by polymorphic microsatellites
Type     članek
Source     Slov Vet Res
Vol. and No.     Letnik 38, št. 1
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 35-43
Language     eng
Abstract     In this project, we examined the population structure of Dalmatians and Istrian shorthaired hounds and estimated their phylogenetic relationship to some other breeds. We used canine specific microsatellites amplified by polymerase chain reaction. The analysis indicated much lower witbin-breed variability in Istrian shorthaired hounds than in Dalmatians. The population tree of Dalmatians represented geographical distribution of their ancestors. Genetic distance among Dalmatians, Istrian shorthaired hounds and Greyhounds is low, in contrast to the distance between these three breeds and German shepherds. Our results indicated that Dalmatians, Istrian shorthaired hounds and Greyhounds developed from the common ancestor within the hound lincage and that this lineage separated from the shepherd one at an early stageof canine domestication.
Summary     V tem projektu smo raziskovali strukturo populacij dalmatincov in kratkodlakih istrskih goničev ter ocenili njihove evolucijske odnose z nekaterimi drugimi pasmami. Uporabili smo s polimerazno verižno reakcijo pomnožene specifične mikrosatelite. Analiza je pokazala precej nižjo znotrajpasemsko variabilnost pri istrskih goničih kot pri dalmatincih. Populacijsko drevo dalmatincev kaže na geografsko porazdelitev njihovih prednikov. Medsebojna genetska oddaljenost med dalmatinci, kratkodlakimi istrskimi goniči in greyhoundi je majhna, precejšnja pa je genetska oddaljenost teh treh pasem od pasme nemških ovčarjev. Naši rezultati so pokazali, da dalmatinci, krtkodlaki istrski goniči in greyhoundi izhajajo iz skupnega prednika linije lovskih psov, ta pa se je od linije ovčarjev odcepila v zgodnji fazi udomačitve psov.