Author/Editor     Bogin, Barry
Title     Human adolescence: life history, evolution, and health
Translated title     Človeška adolescenca: zgodovina življenja, evolucija in zdravje
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 40, št. Suppl
Publication year     2001
Volume     str. 9-24
Language     eng
Abstract     In this chapter, human adolescence is considered from a life history approach to the study of human growth and development. In general, social mammals have three basic stages of postnatal development: infant, juvenile, and adult. The human life cycle, however, is best described by five stages: infant, child, juvenile, adolescent, and adult. It is hypothesized that the new life stages represent feeding and reproductive specializations of the genus Homo. This chapter also takes a biocultural perspective of human development, a perspective that focuses on the constant interaction between genes and hormones within the body and the sociocultural environment that surrounds the body, which takes place during all phases of human development. Research shows how the biocultural perspective enhances our understanding of human development. Also discussed are the risks ofčthe new stages of human development, especially adolescence. Culture change during the last century or more seriously impacts the evolutionary biology and psychology of adolescence. School-based programs far educational and social support may be the best way to reduce risks to adolescents. New biocultural research on human growth and development is needed to provide the most appropriate and effective programs. It is hoped that the findings of such research may help bring aboul peaceful improvement in the social, economic, and political conditions of life and will lead to good growth for gll human beings.
Summary     V članku obravnavamo adolescenco s stališča zgodovine življenja v preučevanju človekove rasti in razvoja. Socialni sesalci imajo na splošno tri temeljne razvojne stopnje: dojensko, juvenilno in odraslo. Človeški življenjski cikel pa jih najbolje opiše pet: dojenska, otroška, juvenilna, adolescentna in odrasla. Novi stopnji domnevno odražata prehranjevalne in reprodukcijske specializacije vrste Homo. Človekov razvoj obravnavamo tudi z biokulturnega stališča, ki spremlja nenehno interakcijo med geni in hormoni v telesu ter sociokulturnim okoljem okoli njega, ki poteka v vseh fazah človekovega razvoja. Raziskave kažejo, kako biokulturni pristop poglablja naše razumevanje človeškega razvoja. Govorimo tudi o tveganjih novih stopenj, zlasti adolescence. Kulturne spremembe v zadnjem stoletju ali še več so pomembno vplivale na razvojno biologijo in psihologijo adolescence. Šolski programi vzgojne in socialne pomoči so morda najboljši način za zmanjšanje ogroženosti adolescentov. Za pripravo primernih in užinkovitih programov potrebujemo nove biokulturne raziskave človekove rasti in razvoja. Upamo, da bodo njihovi izsledki pripomogli k izboljšanju socialnih, ekonomskih in političnih pogojev življenja in bodo omogočili rast vsakega posameznika.